The Entire Big Pharma's Synthetic 'Vitamin' Psyop Industry is Fucking Poison and a Scam!

4 months ago

Follow the Fucking Money! The "Vitamin" Psyop - A Great Gatekeeper Tell!
The Terrifying Sick Truth About Synthetic "Vitamins" B, C & D: We All Have Been Duped!

Folks, even though we consider ourselves "awake", we still have blinders on when it comes to certain topics.

I discovered I was completely asleep to "Vitamins" until I spent the past couple months researching it, and it literally changed my life.

In this video I will highlight the most important things I have learned.

This is not medical advice.

I want everyone to do what they feel is right for them, but I strongly encourage you to watch this full video before taking another bottled pill.

SPOLIER ALERT: (if you plan to watch the video, don't read this!)...

THE TRUTH: "Vitamins" are a BRILLAINT ploy by Big Pharma, and we all, (myself included), walked directly into the trap.

This 19 minute video outlines the DIABOLICAL history of "Vitamins" B, C and D, and how they came to be so essential that we "NEED" to supplement them by purchasing pills and drops.

"Vitamins", with few exceptions, are literal poison; part of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030.

A GOOD, REAL "Vitamin" is Balance of Nature.

It is indeed 100% natural.

The only meh-ingredient is that the pill casings are made of wood-pulp / sawdust.

But this is still a heck of a lot better than a chemical or plastic.

For those who say they can't afford to buy "clean food" (produce); if you can afford to purchase "vitamins", you can spend the identical amount on "dehydrated fruit / veg powder".

You then mix it with water and drink it.

You are getting completely natural ingredients.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Don't put another dime into Big Pharmas pocket!

And for people who say things like "Even nuts and rice contain cyanide!"; those are NATURAL.

What I am referring to is CHEMICALS, made in a LAB, sold to us as "Vitamin B", the difference is night and day.

Related substack articles:
FINALLY a video explaining why vitamins are bad for us.

I started to have my suspicious that the evils were buying all of these vitamin companies up back in around 2016.

Then a few years ago I began to suspect they controlled the entire holistic industry because NDs are much better yes, but they NEVER talk about poisonous vaccines, mold, and they want you to take supplements for the rest of your life just like the MDs tell you that you have to take toxic drugs for the rest of your life.

Then a couple of few years ago I began to suspect they actually owned all of the manufacturing plants or something.

So, I'm STILL on the fence about iodine if anyone has any real PROOF.

The holistic community has been pushing taking iodine for at least 5-10 years.

I can't remember the doctor who wrote a book on it and it was all the rage.

I bought some, took some and then forgot about it and I just did that again several months ago.

In this video!-The-Truth-About-Fluoride-final-cut-with-Dr-Paul-Connett:9 he said twice that iodine was toxic.

I forgot to write down the time stamp and so whenever I wanted to show iodine worshippers that this is what he said, I couldn't find it, but I probably put slides in there hence the time stamp was off.

Now she quotes that someone ELSE said they put iodine in table salt.

Well, if it was good for us, why even bring it up as if it's bad?

When I dare to say that iodine may not be good for us and harm our brain in an iodine FB group, I'm attacked.


I am VERY upset that IV Vitamin C is bad now.

I would talk about this ALL the time as being a life saver. SMH

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