Who are the Freemasons – Where are they from – What’s the difference between a Mason vs Freemason??

4 months ago

There were no Castles built in Europe before the year 1,000. Everything was clay huts. Nothing was built in stone.

The first stone buildings in Europe were the Castles, built by Pharaoh’s Nobility. Today there are still 35,000 castles in France, all built around the year 1,000. It was around this time that Pharaoh’s Nobility invaded Europe and took the people as slaves in a Feudal System for the next 1,000 years, till this day.

The European Tribes were taken into slavery just as American Indians were in America.

There has always been the Tribe People and the Pharaoh People.

The Pharaoh Nobility’s main base has and will ALWAYS be in the Alps in Switzerland. This is where ALL the plans are made to Rule the Entire World.

The Celts in Europe never built in stone. Then come the Pharaoh Nobility around the year 1,000. Castles and and Cathedrals were built everywhere.

The tribes were living in clay, dirt and straw huts in Northern Europe.

The Romans and their Pharaoh Nobility came to Europe and just butchered the Europeans. The white race became the most terrorized race on the planet.

All the names with Stein are Nobility.

The House of Franckenstein – really exists. The names that end in stein are ancestral arms.

One cannot become a President, Prime Minister or Head of State if you are not a Mason of Aristocratic Decent.

When the Masons invaded Europe, they looked down upon how the people lived. But they liked the European Women. They made an alliance with them. They tortured and killed the males.

What is difference in the origins of the words Mason and Freemason?

Masons came BEFORE the Freemasons.

There were the original stone builders, as far back as 4,000 years ago they were building fortresses and castles.

The castles in Europe were built by the ones from Egypt who call themselves the Aristocracy. They were rapists, child pedophiles, and murderers. They made alliances with the women and murdered the boys and men. These were the MASONS.

The Freemasons emerged out of the Knights Templars and came AFTER the Masons.

Today, BOTH Masons and Freemasons are United as ONE.

They used to be Enemies as the Old World Order Masons (Feudal Vertical System) vs New World Order Masons (Knights Templar Horizontal System).

The Knights Templar’s robbed the Pyramids of treasures and took them back to their home in the Switzerland Alps. Laying the Mason work Free – Freemason.

The Skull and Bones – secret fraternity that Bush was in, is a Nazi Knights Templar sect.

SS – on the shirts of the Nazis means Isis.

Mason means the Pyramid and Iron Throne of Osiris and his Wife, Isis.

NOW as of today in 2024 – ALL of the Masons and Freemasons and ALL their appendages and orders are united as ONE. Where they ONE they go ALL. The Internal War is OVER.

Now they are ONE coming after the mass populations who are not in their ancestral lines.

For those who think that Trump or DeSantis are any good. Hell no. They are evil and they masters of deception.

Democrats and Republicans are on the EXACT SAME page. It is an illusion they are creating to deceive the masses into believing they differ in governmental philosophies. NOPE.

SOURCE: Giureh G.I.U.R.E.H. -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKOqvvdbmps

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