Watchman On The Wall | Fallen Fallen Is Babylon

4 months ago

Watchman On The Wall
Fallen Fallen Is Babylon

Watchword and Song
Fallen Fallen Is Babylon

· In my heart there rings at melody, a melody of Love

Watchman On The Wall

Peter, Paul and Mary
If I had a hammer

Then there, is this
Jimi Hendrix
All along the watchtower

Then there is this
Isiah 21

Isaiah 21:5-9
· They set the table [for the doomed banquet], they spread out the cloth, they eat, they drink;

“Rise up, captains [of *Belshazzar’s court], oil your shields [for battle, for your enemy is at the gates]!”

6 This is what the Lord says to me,
“Go, station the lookout, let him report what he sees.

7 “When he sees a chariot, horsemen in pairs,
A train of donkeys and a train of camels,
Let him pay attention and listen closely, very closely.”

8 And the lookout called like a lion,
“O Lord, I stand continually on the watchtower by day,
And I am stationed every night at my guard post.

9 “Now look! Here comes a troop of riders, horsemen in pairs.”
And one said, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon;
And all the carved images of her gods are shattered on the ground.
If you perform your part,
God will fulfill His part
~ Watchman Nee
And their watch word in song is; “Fallen, fallen is Babylon”

Why “Fallen, fallen is Babylon” it is a faith statement. We have all remotely seen Babylon falling to the ground. (You and I, who are the Brozme followers, have seen the END OF Cain’s Race, and of SATAN, the Usurper of God’s Throne on Earth. We have seen it crash to the ground.
Revelation 18

The Faith Seer sees it before it happens.

Actually watching Babylon fall will be anticlimactic. In fact, in the FAITH-Seer minds-eye God has already finished the act. It was always God’s plan, God merely let John see it. (And by extension God will show us, you and I.
We will receive the End of the Cabal on Earth. Oh Hallelujah, You and I, our Faith will become sight!

God most assuredly, tells you and I, the man who cares.

As I say in the comments section, Fallen, fallen will certainly to be destroyed. God Tells the Man who cares.
Brozme30 weeks ago
I think if I were able to make this video and in my comments in the description box over. I would change, and put a little more information in the description box about the meaning of the Scripture.

The “End Is Near Babylon,” The name Babylon is the name, John on the Isle of Patmos, gave to what we would call the Catholic Church, the Deep state, the Cabal, the Elites, the Synagogue of Satan, the Khazarian Mafioso, the Canaanite Vampires et al.

John saw the end of Babylon, this behemoth, this Leviathan monster who has held his jackboot on humanity’s neck for way to long.

Daniel saw the falling of the Cabal in his day.

Daniel 5:

We, you and I, are privileged to SEE the final End of the Cabal, forever!!

Faith is knowing God And seeing the truth with God’s power.

In knowing King David, It looks like the person in leadership is going on a hunch or is AI directed but not only listen to his words but also watch his actions also.

President Trump did not start any new wars, and he ended the the Isis regional wars.

He set the captives free from prison, he visited the sick and widows in their hour of need.

He made peace with the warring nations.

Trump became the embodiment of the Son of Man. As described by Helgard Muller in his book President Donald J. Trump | The Son of Man — The Christ

And in:
Is Donald J Trump destined to be the Son of Man
As described by Helgard Muller.

Faith is much much more than going out on limb. Hoping God will have your six in your endeavors.

You know God’s plan because; you are faithful to ask God what he wants you to do. God may only tell you one step at a time.

Hearing from God, is both an art form and a step-by-step science.

If the Faith-Seer (God’s— man—God’s—woman, the Intuitive, God’s remote viewer) skips a step or is viewing/listening to gain financially or in popularity he has tainted; his peek into the future.

Now, I see nothing wrong with the ox eating his fair share. As many podcasters do in social media.

I Timothy 5:8 5:8
Everyone has this ability to see the future. In fact the more people who see it, the more powerful the “vision”becomes the more the bullies run away in horror. As in the Lord of the Rings in the last battle in the last scene.

By faith and the courage of one man (the tip of the spear) did all see in the end (the realization) of Babylon falling.

Hebrews 11
By Faith IS the Victory!

Seeing the object of your prayer, through Faith is actually stronger than the idiom of “Seeing Is Believing”.

That’s how some people can say “God has already won the battle!”
Can you see God entering into a battle in which he doesn’t already know the outcome??
Be sure to read the entire chapter of Hebrews11.

Faith is the Victory
A Cappella Singing
With Lyrics.

By way of illustration; the Lord of the Rings in the last battle, in the last scene of the War With Soren, did they see their faith become physical sight. It looked dark and God’s Army would be lost. That’s when God loves to work his WORK.

When puny man has put his all into the battle. God says. “You have put your all in.”

“Now let me SHOW you when the Great I AM puts all of His power into the battle.”

The Ring Bearer in TOLKIN’s trilogy (a representative of our Christ in JRR TOLKIN’s book, the Lord of the Rings) saw the battle’s end many times.
While he was fighting a valiant fight in prayer. Seeing the End over and over, in prayer, for 2000 years. The Christ Consciousness, Jesus has been praying for you, to give you the strength to SEE it also, as Jesus saw this End-Time War to End All Wars.

Talk about long term planning. We talk about JFK, Juan. DJT, Robert Kennedy and others as rising up and jumping up onto JFK’s plan.

Andrew Jackson may have been the first President to serve the Q Plan after General George Washington, I say he may have been, but he had put himself into a position in which he had to compromise on the Native American question.

He did one thing right; he kicked the big Banks out and Jackson grew the economy on the American Gold backed “Green Backs.”

JFK was the first US President, that we know of, who actually supported the “Q Plan To Free The World”.

Watch it to the very end to see the Q on his flag display on his car.

Oh, no no no, this is God’s plan and they are merely joining in onto it.
These men are Johnny—Come—Lately, even after General Washington if you will, came to the battle. And possibly they may have been raised up for this purpose.

Much like the Cabal grooms children to be raised and then they are put forward at the right time.
The White Hats in many ways mimic the Black Hats as a way of self-preservation. Making their actions obscure, grooming their children like Lincoln sent his son to Algeria.

Lincoln’s letter to his son’s teacher
We are the privileged few who have come to have our faith to become sight!

You are here, in these last days, to observe, to be a living witness to the spectacle of the FALL OF THE CABAL!
You’ve seen the depiction of the snake eating it’s own tail?
This is of an evil occult depiction of how the reptiles see their end, if and when, they are placed in a difficult position. They will devour one another as a last desperate attempt in self-preservation.

Unlike the definition they give themselves. As in the cyclical nature, and spiritual beliefs, as the end of this 26,000 year of reign of terror on Mankind; and Huemanity moves into a thousand year reign of Jesus, the Christ Consciousness.

Nothing can stop what is coming!! We are on the cusp of the 26,000 year processional change.

The ancient symbol that spanned millennia
December 2017
The Ouroboros thus represents a universal concept, embodying ideas of immortality, cyclical nature, and spiritual beliefs across various cultures.
Ancient Symbol that spanned a millennia
Snake trying devour itself.
Keeping You Updated
Meri Crouley sits down with SG Anon.
As always both are very encouraging and enjoyable together, to listen to with an entertaining banter.
Gravitas | France Grounded Plane: Who are the Child sellers? | WION 1.6M views 7d ago GRAVITAS
Child Trafficking begins to be on the Mainstream in Europe.
· I know many of you are embarrassed by the rape and brutality of children, but these heinous acts must be brought out to the light and dealt with by society.
Call of Mystic
Set to play all eight, or the entire play list.
You may set it to play one. Or you may also choose to play it in 432 hertz further down in the play list.
R Carlos Nakai Canyon Trilogy, Deluxe Platinum Addition
Set to play entire album
Timeless Truths

Greg Reese
Monarch Mind Control
Take note of Reese’s work, he many times combines Biblical prophecy and Esoteric knowledge in one video.

Why O’ Why Yahweh
And why would anyone twist themselves into knots to live the life of FAITH.

For the sublimest relationship with The GOD of these UNIVERSES.

He knows me better than I know myself.

Yet He is continually a mystery to me.

When I’ve come to the corner of Wits and Wits End. He shows me an alley to zip down.

You’d think, by now, I’d be anxiety free. I’m getting there; until I’m not.

He patiently waits for me to call him back.

He knows I’m okay; if I was in trouble, I’d be on his doorstep right away.

We live on a two way street. I’m usually the one asking him-for-way-more-stuff than he-asks-me-to-give.

That’s the relationship I have with my best friend. Yahweh!

I know, in advance, whatever he asks me to do, I’m going to have so much fun doing it.

I think he really gets off on getting me stuff, I really need too.

Why O’ Why Yahweh
We’re simpatico !

Non Monetized
God Supported


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Recently Janet Ossebaard was found deceased. Deemed a suicide. Can you believe it?


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