Python filmed dragging possum prey up tree in Australia

4 months ago

A five-foot carpet python struggled to pull a possum into a tree in a suburban backyard in Buderim, Queensland, as a professional snake catcher watched on in amazement. Stuart McKenzie of Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 said he was walking his dogs near his home in Buderim when he saw the python struggle to pull a possum into a tree. McKenzie said the python had been hanging from the tree for at least nine hours. He compared the scene to watching a carpet python try to do reps in the gym. McKenzie shared the footage to Facebook and theorized that the snake was unable to release the possum due to the weight and downwards force on its teeth. McKenzie came back to the tree 12 hours after the snake and possum were first spotted and used a pool scoop “to help the snake lift it up into the tree.” “However as soon as I took the weight of the possum with the pool scoop the snake wiggled its head off the possum and dropped it. The snake looked very relieved. Weird but fascinating situation,” he said.

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