Learn How to See the Truth in Hollywood ~ Everything Connects to Everything Else...

4 months ago

Learn How to See the Truth in Hollywood ~ Everything Connects to Everything Else...

This Jaw-Dropping Video was sent to Colleen and I by an Anonymous 'Friend' with the Understanding that we would decode it...you can see that show on this very same Rumble Channel by clicking on this link...


This Video is 1 Hour Long, as is Professionally created, showing how EVERYTHING in Hollywood is a White Hat Comm, and that All these Movie Comms CONNECT to EVERY OTHER Hollywood Movie in one form or another...

It is a powerful opportunity for you to See these Connections in Plain Sight and then come to KNOW what they mean, and How they connect to other Movies, and/or what they IMPLY about the Actors that are speaking these Comms...

This Video powerfully demonstrates that Hollywood is a White Hat Operation, revealing God's Truth, the Way of Jesus Christ, and the Truth about the Cabal and Why they are as Evil as they have shown to us...

This Video is simply a series of Connected Clips from Hollywood Movies, with ONE piece of Information added...God is Time, thus, a Time Traveller is One who Travels thru God's Kingdom, which is INSIDE of our Minds; therefore, when you Hear Time Travel in these Movies, they are actually saying 'God Travel', or Inner Travel via Meditation Deep Within the Mind...

Sit back, Relax and Enjoy this Breathtaking Video that reveals so much Essential Truth, and shows how ALL THINGS are Connected to Everything Else...

What did the Master, Leonardo da Vinci teach us???

'Learn How to See. Realize that Everything Connects to Everything Else.'

Love, CF

Make sure you pay a visit to the Brand New Website for our Animals,


And enjoy ALL of the great information that Colleen, Aaron and Sionade, with the incredible help of Alan and Alyssa, have created for you, so that you can Learn More about our Animal Rescue Sanctuary here in Mexico, and come to know more about ALL of our 80+ Animals...also, make sure you visit our On-Line Store, where Colleen and Co. have created so many wonderful products that you will Love...

Be sure to Subscribe to Charlie's Page on Odysee.com, so that you can Watch our brand new Series entitled, The Deep Dive with Charlie Freak, where we explore Subjects that other platforms simply will NOT allow, with Episode #1, The Truth about Adolf Hitler's Germany...


To help us Secure the 2 Properties where we House our precious Animals, please donate to:

Givesendgo Campaign Link: https://www.givesendgo.com/theshireanimalsanctuary

So, sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this Live Show, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 80 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...

So, if you are willing, we would be VERY appreciative if you could sign up Monthly, via PayPal (which works well in Mexico), or thru our Givesendgo page...

For a one time PayPal Donation to our Animals,

For a monthly PayPal Donation for our Animals,


For a Monthly or a one time Donation for our Animals on Givesendgo,


Charlie's books: https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/charli...

A FreakSense World on Telegram: https://t.me/afreaksenseworld

Charlie Freak and Colleen:

Aaron X Jesse:


Enjoy, Love, CF

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