Article 4605 Video - Spider, Spider .... Zoning is a Good Example By Anna Von Reitz

4 months ago

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Article 4605 Video - Spider, Spider .... Zoning is a Good Example - Saturday, January 13, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Just because one group of people submits to something, doesn't mean that everyone else is obligated to do so.

Just because one group of people decides to live under a theocracy, doesn't obligate everyone else to do so.

Just because another group of people decides to live under a foreign democracy, doesn't obligate everyone else to do so.

We may not be able to convince them that they are wrong or mistaken in their allegiances, but we can certainly tell them where their rights end and ours begin.

Back in the 1970's the Roman Municipal STATES OF STATES, which had no authority to exist, began a "zoning program" which placed land in "zones" for residential, commercial, or agricultural use.

And everyone living in these newly created "zones" was supposed to comply and be taxed at the rate established for each "zone".

The problem is that they had no right to extend any authority in the States. Period. They try to excuse their activities by saying they aren't in the State, they are in the Territorial State of State. But the Territorial State of State is in the State. So, good try and no banana.

Lacking the right to be here, they have no right to promote tax schemes and land use restrictions, either -- except with respect to property owned by their actual employees and actual dependents.

They choose to live in "zones" and in a Roman city-state ruled over by a pagan theocracy? Okay, if that is what you buy into, jump to it.

But really, these folks need to learn their limitations when it comes to imposing upon others.

Same thing with all the British Territorial United States Citizens who want to live in a democracy and "reside" in a State-of-State and be Subjects of the King of Britain ("Britain" by the way, isn't a place -- just another corporation).

By all means. Jump to it. But they have no reason or right to intrude on the rest of us, force their law on us, fail to live up to their contractual obligations to us, or occupy our land and soil without our express written permission....

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