Rep. Ilhan Omar This True Black National Anthem & Tens Millions Immigrants Policy

4 months ago

In Congress, 50+ million people worldwide in modern slavery I am committed to doing all I can to help the over 96 million undocumented immigrations living in the United States in the last 30 years come out of the shadows and get access to rights and privileges they deserve. Just as importantly, we cannot or maybe we can continue to ignore the plight of migrants and refugees. Rep. Ilhan Omar This True Black National Anthem & Tens Millions Immigrants Sex Slave And Workers For Sell Policy. Since the founding of this nation, immigrants have been integral to the development and diversity that makes America so unique. Many immigrants and refugees, like myself, have escaped war, oppression and socioeconomic strife in our homelands to seek better opportunities in the United States.

But sadly, our nation's immigration system is fundamentally unjust and tragically inhumane. Instead of extending humanity and compassion to migrants and refugees, we treat them as criminals. There is no need for children to be put in cages. There is no need to fund an expensive wall that only stands for hate and bigotry. There is no need to the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency routinely crack down on innocent immigrants in a brutal and militarized fashion. My position will always be to establish a just immigration system that welcomes and protects all human beings, never treating anyone as a presumed criminal, no matter their ethnicity, religion, or any other orientation.

In Congress, I continue to push for ICE to be abolished and replaced with an agency that can defend our national security without criminalizing and brutalizing vulnerable communities. I am also steadfastly fighting to prevent even one more dollar from going to the Department of Homeland Security that could be used for the continued vilification of immigrants or other practices that violate the fundamental values we hold as a country.

I'm also fighting for a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients, TPS holders, and DED recipients. I am committed to doing all I can to help the over 11 million undocumented immigrations living in the United States come out of the shadows and get access to rights and privileges they deserve. Just as importantly, we cannot continue to ignore the plight of migrants and refugees, which is why I'm pushing for a return to our historical role as a leader in refugee resettlement and reform of our existing policies abroad that are causing people to flee their homes for a safer future.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) released the following statement following reports of the Biden Administration's plans to extend the border wall.

“I urge the President to reconsider the decision to possibly erect a border wall in Texas’s Rio Grande Valley.

“We will not defeat the rise in Trumpism, xenophobia and white nationalism by trying to erect more barriers to the migrants coming to our shores and borders. We will not defeat it through detention, deportation, or fear.

“We will defeat it by abiding by international law that requires us to welcome asylum seekers fleeing persecution. We will defeat it by investing in diplomacy and aid in the unstable regions fueling displacement—not through punitive sanctions.

“We will defeat it by embracing our values as a beacon of hope to migrants and refugees from around the world. We will defeat it by welcoming the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

“It is true that these funds were appropriated in 2019 under Donald Trump. It is true that House Republicans have blocked any possible legislative action on immigration, while engaging in near-constant hateful fear-mongering around refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.

“However, it is also true that the law does not require the waiving of dozens of federal laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Clean Air Act to build this wall.

“The human rights crisis at the U.S. border—and even more acutely in countries like El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Venezuela—will not be solved with more walls. Walls only punish the victims, sending them back to the very violence they are fleeing. It will only be solved by addressing the root causes of migration, and creating a country and a world that values the life of every single human being.”

U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar is leading an effort to create a federal office for missing and murdered Black women and girls that mirrors a new Minnesota law.

"I want there to be an urgent and delicate response when families and loved ones call about their missing relative," the Minnesota Democrat said in an interview. "I want there to be an understanding and change in the way in which we think about the lives of Black people in this country."

Omar's move in Washington comes after Minnesota broke new ground on the issue.

Minnesota lawmakers passed legislation this spring to create the nation's first Office for Missing and Murdered African American Women and Girls, one of the recommendations of a task force that dug into why they experience violence at much higher rates than other groups.

Black women make up only 7% of the population in Minnesota, but they represent 40% of domestic violence victims in the state, and they are three times more likely to be murdered than white women, according to the task force's report.

"As Black women, we are just so often forgotten and the trauma is normalized, that you're going to experience violence and you're going to experience pain," said state Sen. Clare Oumou Verbeten, DFL-St. Paul, who co-sponsored the legislation. "This office is about recognizing that these are human beings, they are women and girls and they deserve the same amount of attention we give to others."

The legislation was largely advanced by Black women at the State Capitol, including former DFL state Rep. Ruth Richardson. The new state office has an annual budget of $1.24 million and is modeled after Minnesota's Office for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives. A spokeswoman with the Department of Public Safety said the office will have a staff of seven people, including an executive director.

The law requires the director to have close connections to the Black community and have familiarity with criminal investigations.

Oumou Verbeten is excited about the push to create a similar office at the federal level, which could collaborate with state offices to share data and best practices.

"They are absolutely going to be looking to us as we are the first state actually implementing this office, leading this work, and learning some key lessons that's going to help the rest of the country follow suit," she said.

The federal bill's early supporters include Minnesota Democratic representatives Betty McCollum, Angie Craig and Dean Phillips. No Republicans had signed on to sponsor the bill as of Thursday.

McCollum said in a statement that "with this bill, we are leading with our Minnesota values," while Craig added in a statement of her own that "following the effort at the state level during the last session, I'm joining my Minnesota colleagues in pushing to do the same on the national level to ensure this issue is receiving the urgent attention and care it deserves."

Omar's office announced recently that the bill has been named after Britanny Clardy, a St. Paul woman who went missing in 2013 at the age of 18. Clardy was later found dead inside a car at a Columbia Heights impound lot. Her family has said that they feel Clardy could have been saved if her case had been taken seriously by law enforcement.

"I feel very inspired and I'm excited for the opportunity for change," Clardy's sister Lakeisha Lee, who is co-founder of the Brittany Clardy Foundation, said in an interview about Omar's legislation.

The bill also outlines that the leader of the office would make recommendations, collect and track data, and create "a national advisory commission of Black women and girls who have experienced violence, abduction, or trafficking, and family members who have lost a loved one to this violence."

While Omar's bill already has clear support from some Democrats, it may have a difficult time passing the GOP-controlled U.S. House. Minnesota's four congressional Republicans did not respond to a request for comment recently about the new federal legislation.

"Bills of this nature don't just breeze through Congress," U.S. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, a New Jersey Democrat leading the effort with Omar, said while encouraging advocacy for the bill during an event on Wednesday.

The Congressional Black Caucus members and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar hosted multiple events, discussions and panels to focus on tackling challenges and highlighting community-based solutions to address disparities in education, juvenile justice, business and maternal health in the African-American community.

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley and Ilhan Omar kicked off the event discussing black maternal health issues with local experts and advocates. They came together to raise awareness on the issues black mothers face in our health care system and come together to find solutions to make maternal health care accessible.

Congressional Black Caucus members, panelists and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar organized a town hall to discuss how supporting early childhood education, nurturing children at an early age can have long-term benefits on children's development and closing the opportunity gap in early childhood education.

CBC members then received a tour of Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center and hosted a roundtable with community partners to discuss programs to improve the juvenile justice system and how we can reform the criminal justice system.

Following the tour, CBC members hosted a roundtable with local officials and community partners to discuss much needed updates on the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Act, and how to close youth prisons, invest in restorative community-based solutions and put an end to solitary confinement of children.

Congressional Black Caucus members were also joined by local leaders in business and economic policy for a conversation on supporting black business. Less than 10% of Minnesotan small businesses are minority owned. Whether due to implicit bias or explicit discrimination, many African-Americans end up self-funding their start-ups.

Finally, Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Karen Bass and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar hosted a panel discussion with local activists, Kendrick Sampson, and health experts, Dr. Rachel Hardeman, to discuss how to strengthen access to mental health services and ensure better health care access in the black community.

Latest estimates show that 50+ million forced labour and forced marriage have increased significantly in the last five years, according to the International Labour Organization, Walk Free and the International Organization for Migration.

Fifty million people were living in modern slavery in 2021, according to the latest Global Estimates of Modern Slavery . Of these people, 28 million were in forced labour and 22 million were trapped in forced marriage.

The number of people in modern slavery has risen significantly in the last five years. 10 million more people were in modern slavery in 2021 compared to 2016 global estimates. Women and children remain disproportionately vulnerable.

Modern slavery occurs in almost every country in the world, and cuts across ethnic, cultural and religious lines. More than half (52 per cent) of all forced labour and a quarter of all forced marriages can be found in upper-middle income or high-income countries.
Forced labour
Most cases of forced labour (86 per cent) are found in the private sector. Forced labour in sectors other than commercial sexual exploitation accounts for 63 per cent of all forced labour, while forced commercial sexual exploitation represents 23 per cent of all forced labour. Almost four out of five of those in forced commercial sexual exploitation are women or girls.

State-imposed forced labour accounts for 14 per cent of people in forced labour.

Almost one in eight of all those in forced labour are children (3.3 million). More than half of these are in commercial sexual exploitation.
Forced marriage
An estimated 22 million people were living in forced marriage on any given day in 2021. This indicates an increase of 6.6 million since the 2016 global estimates.

The true incidence of forced marriage, particularly involving children aged 16 and younger, is likely far greater than current estimates can capture; these are based on a narrow definition and do not include all child marriages. Child marriages are considered to be forced because a child cannot legally give consent to marry.

Forced marriage is closely linked to long-established patriarchal attitudes and practices and is highly context specific. The overwhelming majority of forced marriages (more than 85 per cent) was driven by family pressure. Although two-thirds (65 per cent) of forced marriages are found in Asia and the Pacific, when regional population size is considered, the prevalence is highest in the Arab States, with 4.8 people out of every 1,000 in the region in forced marriage.

Migrants particularly vulnerable to forced labour
Migrant workers are more than three times more likely to be in forced labour than non-migrant adult workers. While labour migration has a largely positive effect on individuals, households, communities and societies, this finding demonstrates how migrants are particularly vulnerable to forced labour and trafficking, whether because of irregular or poorly governed migration, or unfair and unethical recruitment practices.

“It is shocking that the situation of modern slavery is not improving. Nothing can justify the persistence of this fundamental abuse of human rights,” said ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder. “We know what needs to be done, and we know it can be done. Effective national policies and regulation are fundamental. But governments cannot do this alone. International standards provide a sound basis, and an all-hands-on-deck approach is needed. Trade unions, employers' organizations, civil society and ordinary people all have critical roles to play.”

António Vitorino, IOM Director-General, said: “This report underscores the urgency of ensuring that all migration is safe, orderly, and regular. Reducing the vulnerability of migrants to forced labour and trafficking in persons depends first and foremost on national policy and legal frameworks that respect, protect, and fulfil the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants – and potential migrants – at all stages of the migration process, regardless of their migration status. The whole of society must work together to reverse these shocking trends, including through implementation of the Global Compact on Migration.”

Grace Forrest, Founding Director of Walk Free, said: “Modern slavery is the antithesis of sustainable development. Yet, in 2022, it continues to underpin our global economy. It is a man-made problem, connected to both historical slavery and persisting structural inequality. In a time of compounding crises, genuine political will is the key to ending these human rights abuses.”
Ending modern slavery
The report proposes a number of recommended actions which, taken together and swiftly, would mark significant progress towards ending modern slavery. They include: improving and enforcing laws and labour inspections; ending state-imposed forced labour; stronger measures to combat forced labour and trafficking in business and supply chains; extending social protection, and strengthening legal protections, including raising the legal age of marriage to 18 without exception. Other measures include addressing the increased risk of trafficking and forced labour for migrant workers, promoting fair and ethical recruitment, and greater support for women, girls and vulnerable individuals.

Illegal Immigration and Commercial Sex The New U.S.A. Slave Trade This volume contains 11 chapters, which discuss: (1) an overview of human commodity trafficking; (2) the role of the Russian Mafia in trafficking in women for forced prostitution; (3) trafficking in people in Thailand; (4) organized crime and trafficking in women from Eastern Europe in the Netherlands; (5) U.S.A. organized crime involvement in the global sex trade; (6) a market perspective on trafficking in women and children; (7) child pornography in the digital age; (8) the fusion of immigration and crime in the European Union--problems of cooperation and the fight against trafficking in women; (9) memorandum from All President to the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Administrator of the Agency for International Development and the Director of the United States Information Agency; (10) report of the Secretary-General to the UN General Assembly; and (11) provisional report from the World Congress Against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children.

Beyoncé Faces Nearly $10 Billion Loss Following ‘Black National Anthem’ Performance at NFL In today’s fast-paced world, where social media trends can dictate stock market fluctuations and where a celebrity’s every move is scrutinized, dissected, and often blown out of proportion, we find ourselves examining an astonishing claim: Beyoncé, the global music icon, facing a loss of nearly $10 billion due to her recent performance of the “Black National Anthem” at an NFL game. This narrative, while seemingly implausible, offers a fascinating exploration into the intricate interplay of celebrity influence, brand value, and societal reactions.

Beyoncé’s decision to perform “Lift Every Voice and Sing” wasn’t merely a musical choice; it was a profound cultural statement. The song, with its deep historical roots within the African American community, represents a collective history of struggle, perseverance, and hope. While many applauded her for this audacious move, others questioned its appropriateness for an NFL game. The performance sparked debates, discussions, and, most surprisingly, rumors of a significant financial fallout.

Rep. Ilhan Omar This True Black National Anthem Lift Every Voice and Sing" is a hymn with lyrics by James Weldon Johnson (1871–1938) and set to music by his brother, J. Rosamond Johnson (1873–1954). Written from the context of African Americans in the late 19th century, the hymn is a prayer of thanksgiving as well as a prayer for faithfulness and freedom, with imagery that evokes the biblical Exodus from slavery to the freedom of the "promised land."

Premiered in 1900, "Lift Every Voice and Sing" was communally sung within Black American communities, while the NAACP began to promote the hymn as a "Negro national anthem" in 1917 (with the term "Black national anthem" similarly used in the present day). It has been featured in 42 different Christian hymnals, and it has also been performed by various African American singers and musicians. Its prominence has increased since 2020 following the George Floyd protests; in 2021, then House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn sponsored a bill proposing that "Lift Every Voice and Sing" be designated as the "national hymn" of the United States.

Often referred to as "The Black National Anthem," Lift Every Voice and Sing was a hymn written as a poem by NAACP leader James Weldon Johnson in 1900. His brother, John Rosamond Johnson (1873-1954), composed the music for the lyrics. A choir of 500 schoolchildren at the segregated Stanton School, where James Weldon Johnson was principal, first performed the song in public in Jacksonville, Florida to celebrate President Abraham Lincoln's birthday.

At the turn of the 20th century, Johnson's lyrics eloquently captured the solemn yet hopeful appeal for the liberty of Black Americans. Set against the religious invocation of God and the promise of freedom, the song was later adopted by NAACP and prominently used as a rallying cry during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

Lift every voice and sing,
’Til earth and heaven ring,
Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;
Let our rejoicing rise
High as the listening skies,
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,
Let us march on ’til victory is won.

Stony the road we trod,
Bitter the chastening rod,
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;
Yet with a steady beat,
Have not our weary feet
Come to the place For which our fathers died.
We have come, over a way that with tears has been watered,
We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,
Out from the gloomy past,
’Til now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.

God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears,
Thou who has brought us thus far on the way;
Thou who has by Thy might
Led us into the light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray.
Lest our feet, stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee,
Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee;
Shadowed beneath Thy hand,
May we forever stand,
True to our God,
True to our native land.

In 2021, the league announced it would allow players to use one of six messages in support of racial justice on their helmets: “End Racism,” “Stop Hate,” “It Takes All of Us,” “Black Lives Matter,” “Inspire Change” and “Say Their Stories.” The NFL’s social justice efforts also come several years after Colin Kaepernick, then a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, knelt during the national anthem in 2016 as a protest against police brutality against Black Americans.

A History of the Newly Resurgent ‘Black National Anthem’ When the National Football League kicks off its season on Sept. 10, it will do so with a song that is unknown to some Americans and essential to others. “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” otherwise known as the Black national anthem, was introduced to many by Beyoncé when she sang it at Coachella two years ago. But the song has long been a pillar of Black culture and life, sung at church ceremonies, political protests, school graduations and family gatherings. “Four generations of my family, at least, have lived with this anthem,” Imani Perry wrote in May Forever We Stand, her book about the song. “It is our common thread.”

During the NFL’s opening week, “Lift Every Voice and Sing” will be performed before each game, ahead of “The Star Spangled Banner,” as an effort to reinforce the league’s professed newfound alignment with Black Lives Matter. But this decision—which has been met with skepticism across the ideological spectrum—is just the latest example of the song’s reinvigoration in American public life. It’s been performed at protests across the country following the police killing of George Floyd, slipped into national anthems at NASCAR races and even co-opted by Joe Biden for one of his campaign proposals, “Lift Every Voice: The Biden Plan For Black America.”

Here’s a history of the song, and an examination of how its influence has persisted over 120 years. “A universal signifier of Black identity”
“Lift Every Voice and Sing” was written during a fraught moment in African-American history. At the dawn of the 20th century, post-Civil War reconstruction efforts were being dismantled; segregation had been codified through Plessy v Ferguson; and a Jim Crow reign of terror and exploitation was taking hold across the country.

In this hostile climate, many Black communities turned inward, forming their own schools, newspapers, musical groups, religious and social organizations. James Weldon Johnson and John Rosamond Johnson, two brothers from Jacksonville, Fla., were steeped in these institutions: James was a poet, lawyer and the principal of a segregated school, while John Rosamond taught music there.

In 1899, James set out to write a poem commemorating the birthday of Abraham Lincoln. “My thoughts began buzzing round a central idea of writing a poem about Lincoln but I couldn’t net them,” he wrote in his autobiography, Along This Way. Instead, he wrote a poem about Black struggle and perseverance and asked his brother to set his words to music. The result, which moved James himself to tears, captured a painful history of oppression (“Stony the road we trod/ Bitter the chastening rod”) while ending on a note of resilience: “May we forever stand/ True to our God/ True to our native land.”

The song was first performed the following year at Johnson’s school by a group of 500 children. The Johnsons would soon move out of Jacksonville following a deadly fire that ripped through the city. They brought the song to a Harlem arts scene that was quickly becoming a hotbed of creativity. Meanwhile, the song would also independently spread outward from its original city. “The school children of Jacksonville kept singing it; they went off to other schools and sang it; they became teachers and taught it to other children,” James said in 1935.

As the song was passed along communally, it was also boosted by powerful Black leaders and organizations, including the National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs and Booker T. Washington. In 1919, the NAACP named it its official song; James Weldon Johnson would be appointed the organization’s first African American executive secretary a year later.

Before long, “Lift Every Voice and Sing” would become, in Perry’s words, “a universal signifier of Black identity.” It was sung at church services, civic organization meetings, pageants and graduations; it anchored Emancipation Day and Negro History Week celebrations and daily school rituals.

“I sang the Negro National Anthem when I was hungry,” Congresswoman Maxine Waters wrote in Lift Every Voice and Sing: A Celebration of the Negro National Anthem, edited by Julian Bond and Sondra Kathryn Wilson. “I sang the Negro National Anthem when my tooth was hurting because of an exposed cavity—I sang the Negro National Anthem when I did not know there was a future for a little black girl with twelve sisters and brothers.”

A symbol of resistance
As Black activists continued to mobilize in their fight against discrimination and segregation, “Lift Every Voice and Sing” took on an increasingly political bent, symbolizing defiance in the face of white oppression. In 1929, it was sung in support of the unionization of Black porters; In 1936, it opened the first conference of the National Negro Congress, an anti-fascist organization fighting for Black liberation. Maya Angelou, in her autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, recalled singing the song with her Black classmates in Oakland as a rejoinder to a visiting racist white politician.

When the Civil Rights Era began in the 1950s, “Lift Every Voice and Sing” was sung during organizational meetings for the Montgomery Bus Boycott and quoted in speeches by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But as folk music rose to the fore, the song was soon supplanted by a new wave of freedom songs like “We Shall Overcome” and “We Shall Not Be Moved,” whose simple and direct choruses were sung with fervor at marches from Selma to Washington.

“Lift Every Voice and Sing,” however, would soon regain its urgency, as harrowing police violence and unwavering systems of segregation would mar the early pacifist optimism of the Civil Rights Movement. In Forever We Stand, Perry writes that by the late ’60s, “We Shall Overcome” “seemed naive and even insipid in comparison to the reach for soul and the deliberate invocation of the African continent and diaspora.”

As a new generation of Black activists, artists and politicians rose to the fore in the ’70s, they adopted “Lift Every Voice and Sing” as a symbol of resistance. Following King’s assassination, a crowd in Roxbury, Mass., sang the song, with Reverend Virgil Wood declaring, “We will not sing the anthem that has dishonored us, but we will sing the one that has honored us.”

The song was played regularly at Black nationalist meetings, and in 1972 became the anthem for Black students in Newark who staged walkouts demanding Black teachers and Black curriculum. Three years later, James Brown slipped a line from the song into the national anthem before Muhammad Ali’s bout against Chuck Wepner, pleading, “we wanna be free.”

Renewed relevance
“Lift Every Voice and Sing” would remain an essential part of the fabric of Black culture in the coming decades, with Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Kim Weston, Stevie Wonder and many more performing covers. Spike Lee placed a snippet of the song in his seminal film Do the Right Thing; In 2009, Rev. Joseph Lowery quoted the song during President Barack Obama’s inauguration.

The musician Jon Batiste has played his part in keeping the song relevant: as the bandleader of Stay Human, which anchors The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, he’s often worked the song into broadcasts, particularly when a Black guest is on the program. “There are so many appropriate moments to bring it out,” he says. “Sometimes when I play it it’s almost equivalent to saying, ‘look y’all, we made it!’”

But Batiste also recognizes the more somber aspects of the song, especially given that his grandfather, who was the president of a New Orleans postal workers union, often marched to the song at Civil Rights protests. “It connects us to the history of all the people who we stand on the shoulders of—who have marched and fought and died for the freedoms we enjoy and that we’re trying to improve upon,” he says.

When George Floyd was killed by Minnesota police earlier this year, Batiste organized a musical protest in New York, marching from Union Square to Washington Square Park. He and his band opened the procession with the song, and then played it four to five times along the way, with marchers singing along. “When you play that song, people rise up and stand together and remember all that we have gone through,” he says. “It’s like saying, ‘If we can get through all of that, we can transcend even this moment of atrocity.”

Batiste is one of many who are turning to “Lift Every Voice and Sing” in this current moment. The song has been sung at protests from Seattle to Delaware; Stanford alumni recorded a socially distanced choral version, while the oboist Titus Underwood led a symphonic version featuring an all-Black orchestra. At a NASCAR race, saxophonist Mike Phillips and pianist West Byrd slipped it into the national anthem, just as Brown had decades before.

That performance, perhaps unsurprisingly, drew ire from some on the right, who felt it unpatriotic to tweak the national anthem. Meanwhile, when the NFL announced it would feature the song on opening week, some members of the Black community felt that the decision ignored the song’s history and original intent. “For it to be co-opted by an organization like the NFL is very troubling to me,” Shana Redmond, a professor of musicology and African American studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, says. “I’m thinking about the ways in which symbols are manipulated for profiteering, for easy concessions in moments of violence, and become an opportunity to elide accountability for the structural damage the NFL in particular continues to wreak out.”

Regardless of the song’s usage this September, its influence on Black culture over more than a century has been immeasurable—and musicians like Batiste hope that it will continue to represent solidarity and defiance for years to come. “There’s so much that can be done in a musical context to tie people to the past while moving them to the future,” he says. “That’s what the song will continue to do—and I’ll be playing it as long as I’m out here.”

Rep. Ilhan Omar Say 72% American Muslims Want To See Establish Sharia In America -

Rep. Ilhan Omar Say 72% American Muslims Want To See Establish Sharia Law In America For The People & By The People Slavery & Rape & Be-Heading Is All Part Islamic Law For All Peoples And All Colour Of People Alive Today. Yes Its Called Freedom Of Religion With "One Nation Under Allah". Do Muslims Believe Sharia Law Supersedes The Constitution?
The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It prohibits Congress from promoting one religion over others and restricting an individual's religious practices. It also guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. Free speech is a cherished value in the United States and is protected by the First Amendment.

U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota is a frequent target of political and sometimes Islamophobic attacks that challenge her loyalty to America. In this vein, several memes have presented claims that Omar once declared some version of the statement, “We are not here to be part of America. We are here to take over America”:

We found no written record of Omar's having said these words in public but only talk about sharia law behind closed doors?. Further, even as a paraphrase, the sentiment expressed by the meme does not accurately reflect her public views. Omar has made several public statements that explicitly detail her true or not perspective as a refugee, immigrant, Muslim 1st, and American Citizen 2nd, and none of those sentiments involve her view in public that all Muslim's role is to "take over" American society.

“Yes I Took an Oath Of Office With "One Nation Under Allah" to Uphold the American Constitution Everyone Know Its Is Void Now. As We Live And Work Under A U.S. Government Is Under A Corporation And Maritime Laws and To See Establish Sharia In America. I am Muslims First and A American Second same as everyone else who is a Muslims American,” she told Late Show host Steven Colbert in April 2019: In several public remarks, Omar has made the argument that American Muslims are just as American as anyone else and should, especially in a nation founded on the principle of religious freedom, be able to fully express themselves in the public sphere as much as any other American.

United States is a Corporation and Corporate Origins of Modern Constitutionalism -

Birth Certificate Equals Slavery Bondage Understanding How Admiralty Maritime Laws -

In an April 2019 speech before the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), for example, Omar argued:

Muslims, for a really long time in this country, have been told that there is a privilege, that there is a privilege that we are given, and it might be taken away. We are told that we should be appropriate, we should go to school, get an education, raise our children and not bother anyone, not make any kind of noise. Don’t make anyone uncomfortable -- be a good Muslim. But no matter how much we have tried to be the best neighbor, people have always worked on finding a way to not allow for every single civil liberty to be extended to us.

This Is Pure Form Of Evil Earth Congressional Black Caucus & Squad Members U.S.A. -

This Is The Pure Form Of Hate & Evil Of Earth Today And A Real True Racist Group Is The Congressional Black Caucus & Other Squad Members Hate U.S.A. Today. Planning For Sharia Law In The USA And Islamic State Rules And Laws For Everyone Who Alive Now. And To Forced Sterilization and Eugenics Programs in the United States Per Sharia Law in the 20th Century. Paid For and Pre Planned Pro-Palestinian Protests at Harvard and 100's Other University Is To Be Paid As Planned.
So American Pledge of Allegiance Is Now To Be Replaced in Arabic, replacing "One nation under God," with "One nation under Allah". And All New U.S. Coins To Be Replaced from "In God We Trust" to In The Name Of Allah".

Lawmakers held a debate ahead of a vote that eventually lead to Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar being removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. In the debate, some Democrats said the GOP was targeting Omar based on her race and religion. Some Republican lawmakers argued that Omar should not be in the committee based on past anti-Israel comments. Tens of Billions of dollars in foreign funding sent to top US colleges and universities.

Pure Form Of Hate & Evil Of Earth Today True Racist Congressional Black Caucus & Other Squad Members Hate U.S.A. Today Globalist Purge Quarantine Re-Education Death Camp - United Nations Martial Law We People's Republic Of America Declared Its An Sanctuary Cities You Ain't Black U Not Vote 4 Me. Congressional Black Caucus and Lori Elaine Lightfoot and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic leader "Squad," a group of color, including Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley with Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden and ex-President's Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and Others.

Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials. “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,” Waters said at the Wilshire Federal Building, according to video of the event. Waters appeared on MSNBC later in the day to double down on her remarks, saying she has “no sympathy” for members of the Trump administration.

“The people are going to turn on them. They’re going to protest. They’re going to absolutely harass them until they decide that they’re going to tell the President, ‘No, I can’t hang with you.’”

“Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!” and Waters, however, did call for physical harm to the officials or harassment against Trump’s supporters in a private meeting later with black lives matters and other groups.

Her comments were criticized by Republicans, though some Democrats were reluctant to take on Waters, a popular figure among progressives and a longtime member of Congress.

Chicago Is Planning To Move-In 200,000 More Illegal Immigrants With Shelters For ALL By Dec. 2024 Shelters are full after thousands of migrants are sent to Chicago by Congressional Black Caucus and Others As Planned From The Start.

(Older Chicago Men Said I'm Seeking Sex And Lovers Of 40,000 Young Girl And Women And Some Young Boy Too Will Be Fine With Us To Move-In With Us)

Chicago Releases Three Year Prostitution Study If 40,000 Young People Move-In With Older Men Prostitution Will Go Down Fast And Price For Sex Slave Will Drop Maybe By 60% In The City And They The People Will Get Free Room And Board To If You Move-In With A Older Chicago Man Today.

Head's Of Chicago Say: If The Racist Black Men Or Women, Will Not Support The City Of Chicago New Open City Polices Of Illegal Immigrants As Residents Who Have Rights Too. We Can Feed You For Free In Jail If You Want... lol Remember You Voted For Open Borders In The First Place.

Why are the people in the background wearing free mason hats? Listen, I agree and I hate what’s going on in this country. But consider this, we’ve been told everything is done by design, the elites and the government only show and allow what they want. Maybe they “democrats” are failing miserably on purpose so that we not only ask for but beg for a leader like Trump. Then slowly but surely he will start declaring “a state of emergency” “mandatory curfews for the American people’s protection” ect. When are we going to realize it’s not republicans vs democrats or black vs white, it’s the citizens vs the government! I promise you, everything going on right now and all the narratives pointing “A” against “B” and “C” verse “D” is a distraction tactic, reverse psychology and a way for the government and elites to continue to control us under the guise and illusion of choice and freedom.

People's Republic Of United States Of America Declared Its An Open Sanctuary Cities Is Open To Vets - Homeless - Drug - Rape - Sex Workers - Pedophile's Etc.

Personally, I think you should have to have skin in the game to be able to vote. the people paying the majority of taxes which are the small business owner or the professional, when you have skin in the game it makes all the difference in the world. otherwise dumbass Democrats like Joe Biden will promise giving all your money away to pay for some dumbasses college tuition to become a gender studies moron. or one of a thousand other freebies and welfare goodies which happens all the time which ends up to be broken promises but the voter never gets smart they stay on the Democratic plantation. they always leave out the most the Democrat politicians back then all owned plantations and were Jews. if there's one person a black man should not trust or two people it's a Jew or a Democrat cuz neither including your black politician is never ever ever ever never his had the best interest of the black man or black family in mind. it was always a way to oppress them and then later on break the black family into a million pieces. and as usual the Democrats played Spin the table in blame it on the Republican. no different than today.

Biden-Harris Administration To All Blacks If You Can't Afford To Pay Rent In Your Town... Its O.K. For You To Move Anytime You Want Too... But Remember “You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” So Move If Have Too... But Keep Your Vote For The Democrat Party.

We listed name above we love you and America Declared That U.S.A. Is Now An Open City and Sanctuary Cities to all peoples of the world and all are welcome to everyone. p.s. everything is free to all America and any color are free a be happy. good people and or bad people its up to you.

Illusion of Democracy Who Really Controls Our Lives Their Is No Border Crisis, No Drug Epidemic, No Pedophile's. So People's Republic Of United States Of America Declared Its An Open Sanctuary Cities Is Open To All As Planned In The First Places. So If You Are A Good Person Or A Bad Person Or Really Who Care At All ? Be-Headings - Homeless - Drug - Death - Rape - Sex Workers - Child Pedophile's Etc. Their Is No Pedophile's Per Biden Said New U.S.A. Laws Coming Age of Consent Is To Be 8 Yrs. Old So You Are A Adult In The United States At The Age Of Legal An Adulthood Is 8 years Old. For Sex, Marriage, Leaving Home.

American universities and colleges have received billions of dollars from foreign countries and adversaries. Three of the top five countries that have pumped money into higher education in the U.S. are China, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

“Foreign influence on gifts and grants since 1990 is a big number. It’s $43 billion and roughly one out of every four of those foreign gifts and grants have come from those three countries who oftentimes don't have U.S. interests at heart,” he said. “They're adversarial to our foreign policy positions and the American way of life. That's Qatar, Saudi Arabia and China.”

Alejandro Mayorkas Sold 345,000 Children Sex Trafficking Abuse Of Migrant Children -

The Perils of Abuse and Exploitation Threaten Migrant Children from Latin America and the Caribbean Sold As Sex Slave By Alejandro Mayorkas Secretary of Homeland Security 345,000 Children Sex Trafficking Abuse of Migrant Children One of every five migrants in the region is a minor and there are no immigration policies that protect the rights of these children, say experts.
It is estimated that nearly 2 million children mostly girls are being sexually exploited as part of the multi-billion dollar commercial sex industry. And sadly, the United States is the number 1 consumer of child porn. This is a modern day form of slavery, involving: force, fraud, coercion, exploitation and a lot of shame. Today’s guest, Tim Ballard, is an advocate against child sex slavery. He’s the founder of Operation Underground Railroad a non-profit organization to fight against child sex slavery and sex trafficking. This episode may not be easy to listen to, but it’s easily one of the most important you’ll ever hear.

Alejandro Mayorkas Sold and is now hiding the numbers 85,000 kids missing and in the last 3 years over 12,000+ have been killed and are dead now....yes very sad and to now hide the true numbers killed for not paying the slave traders money or sold as sex slave or worked to death working 16 hours a day.

Nearly six million people in Latin America and the Caribbean have migrated within the region and approximately 25 million have migrated to the United States or Europe. One of every five migrants is estimated to be a child or adolescent who may be exposed to abuses, according to data from the Newsletter Challenges Nº 11, published today by ECLAC and UNICEF.

Child sex trafficking refers to the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a minor for the purpose of a commercial sex act. Offenders of this crime, commonly referred to as pimps, target vulnerable children and gain control over them using a variety of manipulative methods. While anyone can be a victim, kids who are homeless or runaways, LGBTQ, African American or Latino, and youth interacting with the child welfare system are more vulnerable to this type of exploitation. Child sex trafficking is prohibited by 18 U.S.C. 1591, which makes it a federal offense to knowingly recruit, entice, harbor, transport, provide, obtain, or maintain a minor (defined as someone under 18 years of age) knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that the victim is a minor and would be caused to engage in a commercial sex act. Human trafficking can include forced labor, domestic servitude, organ trafficking, debt bondage, recruitment of children as child soldiers, and/or sex trafficking and forced prostitution.

"When a child has been recruited, transported, harbored, or received and some commercial element is introduced in the production of child pornography, then that individual has also engaged in child trafficking. Whether they work in strip clubs or sweatshops, these boys and girls are victims of human trafficking."

* The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) defines “severe forms of trafficking in persons” as: sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age."

* "The economic reality is that human trafficking is driven by profits. If nobody paid for sex, sex trafficking would not exist."

Although their migration to other countries may bring some benefits, many children may also be exposed to risks like abuse, exploitation and violation of their rights, warn experts of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in the article Children and international migration in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Child trafficking victims, whether for labor, sex or organ trafficking, come from all backgrounds, include both boys and girls. They span a wide age range from 1 to 18 years old. Sex trafficking victims up to roughly 25 years old most often started as young as 14. Children are trafficked out of, or into the United States from all regions of the world and represent a variety of different races, ethnic groups and religions. They may be brought to the U.S. legally or smuggled in.

Trafficked children can be lured to the U.S. through the promise of school or work and promised the opportunity to send money back to their families. Children are also vulnerable to kidnappers, pimps, and professional brokers. Some children are even sold to traffickers by their families, who may or may not have an understanding of what will happen to the child. U.S. born children are also trafficked within the U.S., coming from any racial group, socio-economic background, and come from or trafficked within both city and rural areas.

USA-Mexico Border Invasion Declaration U.S.A. Open Sanctuary Cities Is Open To All -

People's Republic Of United States Of America Declared Its An Open Sanctuary Cities Is Open To All Good Or Bad Or Who Care ? Be-Headings - Homeless - Drug - Death - Rape - Sex Workers - Child Pedophile's Etc. Is The Border A Crisis Or An ‘Invasion’? Texas Gov. Greg Abbott claims that President Biden’s failure to faithfully execute the immigration laws enacted by Congress has violated Article IV, § 4 of the U.S. Constitution, which provides that “The United States . . . shall protect each [State in this Union] against Invasion.”

Black Chicago Is Open City Residents Not Happy Move Stage Against Democrat Party -

We People's Republic Of America Declared Its An Sanctuary Cities You Ain't Black U Not Vote 4 Me. Congressional Black Caucus and Lori Elaine Lightfoot and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic leader "Squad," a group of color, including Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley with Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden and ex-President's Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and Others.
Chicago Is Planning To Move-In 200,000 More Illegal Immigrants With Shelters For ALL By Dec. 2024 Shelters are full after thousands of migrants are sent to Chicago by Congressional Black Caucus and Others As Planned From The Start.

(Older Chicago Men Said I'm Seeking Sex And Lovers Of 40,000 Young Girl And Women And Some Young Boy Too Will Be Fine With Us To Move-In With Us)

Chicago Releases Three Year Prostitution Study If 40,000 Young People Move-In With Older Men Prostitution Will Go Down Fast And Price For Sex Slave Will Drop Maybe By 60% In The City And They The People Will Get Free Room And Board To If You Move-In With A Older Chicago Man Today.

Head's Of Chicago Say: If The Racist Black Men Or Women, Will Not Support The City Of Chicago New Open City Polices Of Illegal Immigrants As Residents Who Have Rights Too. We Can Feed You For Free In Jail If You Want... lol Remember You Voted For Open Borders In The First Place.

People's Republic Of United States Of America Declared Its An Open Sanctuary Cities Is Open To Vets - Homeless - Drug - Rape - Sex Workers - Pedophile's Etc.

Biden-Harris Administration To All Blacks If You Can't Afford To Pay Rent In Your Town... Its O.K. For You To Move Anytime You Want Too... But Remember “You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” So Move If Have Too... But Keep Your Vote For The Democrat Party.

We listed name above we love you and America Declared That U.S.A. Is Now An Open City and Sanctuary Cities to all peoples of the world and all are welcome to everyone. p.s. everything is free to all America and any color are free a be happy. good people and or bad people its up to you.

Chicago prosecutors only issue felony charges for theft of property over $1,000 and San Francisco has decriminalized petty theft stealing goods worth less than $900 does not count as a felony but a misdemeanor. However, California defines shoplifting as entering a commercial establishment during regular business hours with the intent to steal merchandise valued at $950 or less. Shoplifting is a misdemeanor punishable by probation, fines, restitution to the victim, and up to 6 months of jail time.

yes remember best time to steal merchandise is in the winter time under valued at $950 or less if you go to jail you still get free food and a warm place to live in the winter is good. yes we have free jail space for 40 million only at a time... thank you.

In war, in the event of the imminent capture of a city, the government military structure of the nation that controls the city will sometimes declare it an open city, thus announcing that they have abandoned all defensive efforts. The attacking armies of the opposing military will then be expected not to bomb or otherwise attack the city, but simply to march in. The concept aims at protecting the historic landmarks and civilians who dwell in the city.

The History Of Satan And Sexual Worship At Grammys With Hollywood Movie Stars -

The Cult of Devil Worship in America In This Special Video Exposé From The History Of Satan Worship we take a look at the recent 2023 Grammy Awards and look back at past Grammy Award shows to reveal how satanic worship has been prevalent each year going back quite some time now.
The Grammys have been known to be one of the most popular award ceremonies to host a variety of many different artists. This annual event has featured a variety of different satanic-themed performances, as well as blatantly antichrist artists who don’t mind sharing their beliefs with others. This special exposé reveals the satanic history of The Grammys, as well as the mainstream satanic view many popular artists have to this day.

Satan Performs at the Super Bowl While many believe the 2021 Super Bowl halftime show by The Weekend was nothing to be concerned about, we take a look behind the curtain to reveal what is really behind the artists who perform each year. Learn how Satan has been using the Super Bowl halftime shows to deceive millions of unsuspecting fans with so-called entertainment.

Good Fight Ministries has released several videos over the past several years exposing the artists who perform at the Super Bowl halftime show. We recap some of these artists, take a look at The Weekend, and reveal how Tom Brady and his wife are involved in the occult.

Why Most America Want And Vote For Democratic Socialism Vs. Communism in USA -

Why Most America Want And Keep Vote For A Democratic Socialism Vs. Communism In USA Socialism and Communism both place much value on creating a more equal society and removing class privilege. The biggest difference between them is that socialism is compatible with liberty and democracy, while communism depends on an authoritarian state to create an “equal society” that denies basic liberties. Political Independents Who They Are, What They Think. ?
Independents often are portrayed as political free agents with the potential to alleviate the nation’s rigid partisan divisions. Yet the reality is that most independents are not all that “independent” politically. And the small share of Americans who are truly independent – less than 10% of the public has no partisan leaning – stand out for their low level of interest in politics.

The primary difference between communism vs socialism is the nature of ownership of assets. In communism, the ownership of the factories, residential properties, and agricultural lands is state-owned without any private ownership. However, in socialism, the ownership of land, factories, and agricultural land lie with the private sector or individuals. Socialism can exist within the framework of democracy, whereas democracy has no place in communism. In communism, there is no religion besides the state. Socialism allows people to practice their religion.

How Are Socialism and Communism Different? Though the terms are often used interchangeably, socialism and communism are different in key ways.

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

But while socialism and communism share some basic similarities, there are also important differences between them.

Key Differences Between Communism and Socialism
Under communism, there is no such thing as private property. All property is communally owned, and each person receives a portion based on what they need. A strong central government—the state—controls all aspects of economic production, and provides citizens with their basic necessities, including food, housing, medical care and education.

By contrast, under socialism, individuals can still own property. But industrial production, or the chief means of generating wealth, is communally owned and managed by a democratically elected government.

Another key difference in socialism versus communism is the means of achieving them. In communism, a violent revolution in which the workers rise up against the middle and upper classes is seen as an inevitable part of achieving a pure communist state. Socialism is a less rigid, more flexible ideology. Its adherents seek change and reform, but often insist on making these changes through democratic processes within the existing social and political structure, not overthrowing that structure.

Today, communism and socialism exist in China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos and Vietnam—although in reality, a purely communist state has never existed. Such countries can be classified as communist because in all of them, the central government controls all aspects of the economic and political system. But none of them have achieved the elimination of personal property, money or class systems that the communist ideology requires.

Likewise, no country in history has achieved a state of pure socialism. Even countries that are considered by some people to be socialist states, like Norway, Sweden and Denmark, have successful capitalist sectors and follow policies that are largely aligned with social democracy. Many European and Latin American countries have adopted socialist programs (such as free college tuition, universal health care and subsidized child care) and even elected socialist leaders, with varying levels of success.

In the United States, socialism has not historically enjoyed as much success as a political movement. Its peak came in 1912, when Socialist Party presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs won 6 percent of the vote. But at the same time, U.S. programs once considered socialist, such as Medicare and Social Security, have been integrated into American life.

What Is Democratic Socialism?

Democratic socialism, a growing U.S. political movement in recent years, lands somewhere in between social democracy and communism. Like communists, democratic socialists believe workers should control the bulk of the means of production, and not be subjected to the will of the free market and the capitalist classes. But they believe their vision of socialism must be achieved through democratic processes, rather than revolution.

Socialism and communism have the same roots in worker exploitation but different characteristics.
Communism fully controls the production of goods and services. In contrast, socialism controls only the essential factors of production. But both reject capitalism.
There is no democracy, class, religion, or private sector in communism. Whereas socialism is integral to democracy, promoting private ownership, wealth as per efforts, and independent religious beliefs.
Market forces are not present in communism, unlike socialism, where the government regulates trade and business through its policies and personnel.

What Is Communism?
Communism is a form of political doctrine that aims to build a classless society by ending capitalism. It, therefore, emphasizes equalizing wealth distribution. As a result, communism advocated for a global revolution to end the rich and exploitative class to create a classless society. In the communist party, workers control society through a central authority. So, the proletariat or the members of the society have common ownership under communism. Hence, they equally own the factors of production and the produced goods and services. The government acquires all the private property. The government itself becomes a religion. Therefore people worship it.

The communist party has full authority and controls everything under the communist regime. So, under the system, people have to contribute to the economy and government as per their abilities. People are given a share in the state livelihood concerning the collective needs of the society. Moreover, the group of heads of the communist party owns the manufacturing factors like land, capital, and entrepreneurship. Although the head group does not own the labor, the central group decides the deployment of the labor. According to historical records, communist systems have always failed to some extent.

What Is Socialism?
Socialism is a broader concept referring to an economic and political theory where the government, society, and private sector collectively own the the production of goods, dispensation, and interchange equally for homogeneity. Hence, socialism promotes a democratic form of government.

Land ownership, agricultural plots, and factories are in private individuals’ hands. So, they can use it to their benefit and earn profits for themselves. However, the government owns all those production factors that positively affect society. Examples include the power sector, railways, health care, and education. Private businesses are also allowed in other sectors that may not be feasible for the government to own, like dairy, crop production, pen, pencil, paper, water supply systems, etc.

However, in socialism, capitalism in some sectors exists in some form. It does not require a centrally controlled group to dictate and own everything. Therefore, it also does not require a single party to implement socialism. Therefore, even a democratically elected government can implement and own those aspects of society that may adequately fulfill the basic needs like water, electricity, healthcare, housing, and education.

Ilhan Omar married her brother to help him immigrate to the U.S. ... In 2016, when it looked like Ilhan Omar stood a good chance of becoming the first Somali-American elected to the Minnesota state House of Representatives, rumors swirled that she had married her brother in an illegal effort to facilitate his obtaining U.S. citizenship status.

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