"Trafficked & Abused-My Story" Part 2 - Holly Baglio & Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE

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My Guest: Holly Baglio, SSP - HerStory - Ex Super Soldier
I am an EX Super Soldier from Black Ops in the DUMBs, Deep Underground Military Bases. Survivor of PizzaGate, and Epstein's Island, as well as, I was in the SSP, Secret Space Program. I am an adult survivor of Pizza Gate during Ronald Reagan’s era. I was born 9-12-74. My grandparents raised me on my mother’s side of the family. My grandmother was a military wife. My grandfather was on a Mind Sweeper Ship in the Navy, WWII, as a chef. The children I was trafficked with underwent human experimentation, surgeries, and mind control.
I believe that given my grandfather’s exposure in the Navy, he was involuntarily used in human experimentation projects stemming from Project Paper Clip that saved 1000s of Nazi Scientists and Elites at the end of WWII. I was tracked for 37 years of my 49 years of life by the military and government complex of USA, UK, and Canada. One of my programmer’s names was Josef Mengele, as well as, Queen Elizabeth and George Bush sr. They created me to be Superman. Josef, would lock us kids in a cage, electrocute us, perform trauma and torture based mind control techniques which fractured our minds. Then they would train us for all sorts of missions. Long story short. Some of children were farmed out to Black Ops, while others were sent into Hollywood, the Music Industry, to become Political Leaders, Mass Media, or trafficked for various other means.
But I can only account for what happened to me.
All my life since birth, up until December 2011 which is when I was spared from the DUMBs, I recall being trafficked by the military and government and serving as an active Super Soldier. Some of the DUMBs I recall being in were San Antonia TX, Nelson Canada, Montauk NY, UK, Africa, Bimini, and in many other countries and continents, etc. Humans do not have control of these DUMBs. The Aliens AKA Fallen Angels do. In the DUMBs, I was in Project Mannequin, Seagate, Omega, GAMMA, THETA, PSI, BETA, DELTA, ALPHA, there is an MKUltra Project for every letter of the Greek alphabet and I survived them, Looking Glass, Montauk, and several others I am still coming to terms with. I was programmed with 5 of the IBIS males.
When Max Spiers was assassinated July 2016, I felt urgency in my soul that I needed to come forward to the public, to vouch for what he and many others have done to expose the darkness. Commander James Michael Casbolt is the one who got me out of the DUMBs when he left, 12/2011. I was not released by Josef Mengele. I do not want kids suffering from these same atrocities and being locked in a cage, as I was. By coming forward, I wish to shut down these projects, and give exposure to kidnapped and trafficked kids as it is a common problem worldwide.

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Picture credits go to the amazing Jim Warren, Artist. See his magnificent paintings on his website www.jimwarren.com.
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