Election Denial? Biden Greets 'The Real Governor Of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe!' To A Cheering Crowd

3 months ago

Seems like all the media wants to talk about much of the time is 'Election Denial' and who they consider to be an 'Election Denier'. Axios worried about if Speaker of the House Mike Johonson's election denial 'helped pave his path to power', the New York Times cheers that 'After Years of Spreading Lies, Election Deniers Face Consequences', MSNBC whines asking 'With so many election deniers in Congress, who needs a mob?' and so on and so forth. You know the drill at this point, right? Of course you rarely hear them discuss perennial Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams's repeated denial of election results, and for the same reason we have the sneaking suspicion that we won't be hearing a peep out of many mainstream media figures about this big 'ol denial of an election that President Joe Biden dropped on an apparently crowd that was apparently very receptive to his blatant election denial today in Virginia.

Election Denier Joe Biden: "Hello, Virginia! And the real governor, Terry McAuliffe!" -- Now before the inevitable cries of 'This is out of context!!!' are raised, maybe you should watch for yourself, since CSPAN was kind enough to proved a video of the entire event. You'll find Biden's remark at ~ the 29:40 mark (we did the searching so you don't have to!) It.... doesn't look like there's any context there. He goes on to ramble about being 'Jill Biden's husband and Kamala Harris's running mate' before looking offstage from the look of it and quickly saying 'kidding aside…' as if someone's signaling to him hard that he needs to backtrack… so they'll probably claim that his throwaway there means he was kidding, but it seems like a weak defense to us. It sure looks like it seemed like a weak defense to current Virginia Governor Glenn Younkin too, because he was quick to remind Biden that no, Terry McAuliffe is not the current governor of Virginia.

So, I thought that “election deniers are insurrectionists?” 🤔 He is a terrible person who does everything he accuses others of doing. Everything. The projection is as major as it could ever be. Arrest him now! Lmao, that’s how it works, right democrats. Not sure how our democracy survives this kind of election denialism, tbh.

• More at: Twitchy - Election Denial? Biden Greets 'The Real Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe!' Before Cheering Crowd

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