Did you know The U S census sees Middle Eastern and North African people as white

4 months ago

Ever wonder why immigrates after arrviving to thr US open up gas stations or beauty stores or restaurants,but americans citizens have to jump through hoops?

boosting the white population's numbers as the majority when in fact they are the minority Go figure.

The U.S. census counts people with roots in the Middle East or North Africa as white, but a study by sociologist Neda Maghbouleh suggests that many people of MENA descent do not self-identify as white, and neither do many white people.0 In past census surveys, more than 80% in this group have called themselves white. Arab and Iranian communities have lobbied the Bureau to create a separate category for people of Middle Eastern or North African descent.2 A 2015 Census Bureau study found that when given a survey with a "Middle Eastern and North African" (MENA) option, individuals from those regions who identified as white dropped from 85.5% to 20%. However, in 2018, the Census Bureau said it would not include the MENA category in the 2020 undertaking because further testing was needed to determine whether the MENA category should go under ethnicity instead of race.


Ted talk:

Census Bureau: No Middle Eastern Or North African Check Box

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