Impatient Dog Honks The Horn While Waiting For Owner

6 years ago

If you have not checked your watch and calendar, we will drop you a little secret – times have changed. Modern times call for some pretty amazing modern dogs with a developed sense of self, a charismatic personality and a brilliantly hilarious way to show it.

An adorable footage has emerged of a Bulldog sitting on the driver's side and honking the horn. According to his owner, this adorable pooch loves to take after his owner and take the car out for a ride around the block.

This is the party car. Check out this footage of a dog sitting in the driver's seat and ready to take on the challenge. He has quite the charm and positive energy which will surely make your day. Watch as he his groovy moves into action!

This musky pup certainly knows his way around the car. Taking all his puppy power and expressing it to the world. His great posture and just unquestionable determination are much more then we could ask for. This guy is just too much. Adorable!

This guy has always had a "thing" for fast and musky cars. And of course, his owner happens to have just the right kind. He can't help but get in the car and see from first hand what the sports car feel is all about. Unlike poodles, who tend to stand on their back feet and move their happy feet to the rhythm, putting on a decent dance performance, moving their tiny paws in the air, this tough guy decides to engage in challenges above any other dog would dare to try.

This day is this puppy's chance to prove to the world that doggies are much more than cuddly animals and great companions. Who knows maybe one day they will be the ones driving us around. Take a look!

On the topic of modern dogs using new, proactive approaches to solving age-old problems, take a look at another video. This dog jumps onto surfboard in pool to fetch ball. can you do the same? Do not try this at home! Especially if you do not own a pool!

This dog is crazy smart! Watch as she jumps onto a surfboard to get her ball from the other side of the pool. She even manages to direct the surfboard towards the ball when it started to veer into the other direction. That's awesome! She managed to keep most of her body dry by the end of it, which is just insane. And she even was able to get out of the pool all on her own. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but this seems to go against the age-old saying.

Now that's something you don't see every day! Sometimes our pets will do whatever they can to get what they want, from begging you for a treat or jumping onto a surfboard to get a ball. You can tell that she really wants to play with the ball if she's willing to go through all that trouble just to get it.

Abby knows that there's a way she can fetch her beloved ball in the pool without even getting wet. Watch her jump on her surfboard and strategically move it to the exact location of the ball. Awesome!

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