Dr. Finance Live Podcast Episode 22 - Steve Harrison Interview - Leading Publicity (PR) Expert

4 months ago

(Originally aired 8/25/21): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j-AhkcnvDg

This is Episode 22 of the Dr. Finance Live Podcast hosted by Dr. Anthony M. Criniti IV (aka “Dr. Finance®”). Dr. Criniti interviewed Steve Harrison, one of the world's leading publicity experts.

Steve Harrison's company has helped more people get publicity than any PR firm on the planet. More than 20,000 authors, experts and speaker have been booked on radio, TV, podcasts and major media as a result of his training and services. His company has helped launch such bestselling books as Chicken Soup for the Soul, Rich Dad Poor Dad, and many other bestselling books. As a result of his company's work, his clients have appeared on the Today Show, Good Morning America, The View, Fox News, New York Times, Time Magazine and countless other media outlets. He is the co-founder of the www.NationalPublicitySummit.com and www.AuthorSuccess.com

0:00​​​​​ - 14:46 - Podcast welcome and Steve's story
14:47 - 18:26 - How many books did you write and what are their names?
18:27 - 22:03 - What role did you play in the success of Robert Kiyosaki and Rich Dad Poor Dad?
22:04 - 27:43 - What role did you play in the success of Jack Canfield and Chicken Soup for the Soul?
27:44 - 35:19 - Can you elaborate on your role in the success of other major influencers?
35:20 - What does it take to become a major influencer in any expertise starting from nothing?
44:55 - How many millionaire experts (messengers) can exist?
50:28 - 51:41 - Please tell us about your National Publicity Summit and other programs that you offer.
51:42 - 55:13 - Why do you love Public Relations (PR) so much?
55:14 - 1:00:10 - Do you still want to be the next Shakespeare? Passion for theater.
1:00:11 - 1:02:22 - How do you sell without selling your soul (TEDx talk title)?
1:02:23 - 1:04:02 - Can one book change the world?
1:04:03 - 1:06:13 - What role has networking played in your life?
1:06:14 - 1:08:30 - Is mentoring important? Who are some of your mentors? Jack Canfield, Dan Kennedy, etc.
1:08:31 - 1:08:40 - Do we need money to survive?
1:08:41 - 1:09:07 - What are your favorite financial books? The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel; The 4 - Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris; Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter; Dave Ramsey
1:09:08 - 1:09:25 - Is finance necessary for everyone? Why or why not?
1:09:26 - 1:10:37 - How important is having a purpose in business? What is your purpose?
1:10:38 - 1:11:40 - What would you like to accomplish in the next 10 years or so? Why?
1:11:41 - 1:12:20 - What would you like to be your legacy to this world?
1:12:21 - 1:15:10 - Wrap up thoughts and Outro

Dr. Anthony M. Criniti IV (aka “Dr. Finance®”) is the world's leading financial scientist and survivalist. A fifth generation native of Philadelphia, Dr. Criniti is a former finance professor at several universities, a former financial planner, an active investor in diverse marketplaces, an explorer, an international keynote speaker, and has traveled around the world studying various aspects of finance. He is an award winning author of three #1 international best-selling finance books: The Necessity of Finance (2013), The Most Important Lessons in Economics and Finance (2014), and The Survival of the Richest (2016). As a prolific writer, he also frequently contributes articles to Entrepreneur, Medium, and Thrive Global. Dr. Criniti has started a grassroots movement that is changing the way that we think about economics and finance.

For more information about Doctor Finance, please visit https://DrFinance.Info​​​​​

Disclaimer: This Podcast is for informational purposes only. It is presented with the understanding that the author(s) and the publisher(s) are not engaged in providing financial, legal, or other professional services. If financial, legal, or any other form of advice is needed, please consult a financial advisor, an attorney, or another professional advice-giving entity.

Also, the opinions and views expressed by any guests on this Podcast do not necessarily represent the opinions and views of Dr. Finance® or its affiliates.

Copyright © 2021 to Present by Dr. Anthony M. Criniti IV - All Rights Reserved.

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