As Nature becomes unnatural... The pendulum swings on

3 months ago

nk the only thing we can predict now is that it's unpredictable beyond matching the previous cycles intensity. We re 60 degrees here today in Ft Collins. This matches the 25 degree low we just had. Trying to predict the next "cycle" of weather is getting impossible but the swings DO seem to match... AS THIS PENDULUM SWINGS. And it's starting to break things. Nature is becoming unnatural and not what we've known it to be for quite a long time. And these are some of the consequences I'm seeing and ... Wow, what a chain reaction we have here. To affect not only OUR food supply but EVERYTHING in N America and prolly across the globe. I'm here tho so I talk about here... From my years of being a plant consultant, there's some things I know... Not a lot, I'll admit. We never studied these sort of variables and contingencies. Some.. but the variables are so great right now... Hold on tight. Add to this at

And btw, if things break, for whatever reason... Cold, hot, disaster, emp, who cares, preparation will be over at that point. If normies wake up, prep will also be over ..
Rob, Colorado

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