Are Black Men's Biggest Problem White Patriarchy Or BLACK WOMEN?

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3 months ago

Original Air Date: Jun 8, 2023.

One of the pat go-to moves on the part of the Loyal Opp is to attempt to change the subject when their weaksauce arguments and claims are on the ropes - and this is what avowed Black Feminist and founder of the website "For Harriet" Kimberly Nicole Foster, attempts to do with yours truly and the rest of the Black Manosphere. Still butthurt because the lovely Ms. Brown Sugar casually observed what anyone could see with one good eye - that Ms. Foster is deeply insecure over her looks and all that entails in a world where looks matter, especially if you're a woman - Kim has had a bee in her bonnet over yours truly ever since. Unable to use the proverbial neckbeared basement dwelling loser argument on me due to Ms. Brown Sugar being right next to me in ways that she has yet to produce for herself, she is now attempting to say, that the legitimacy of the Black Manosphere Project - one that I helped to create - is somewhat null and void. This is because, you see, the "real problem" Black men face, aren't Black women, but rather, "White Patriarchy" - and that Black men like yours truly is somehow too cowardly to face up to The White Man to address all of that.

This "argument", if one can call it that, would actually work - IF - it were true. But peer reviewed evidence as recently as 2021 tells us that this isn't the case. In the excellently well researched and presented, "The Dating Divide: Race & Desire in the Era of Online Romance" (2021, University of California Press), the authors tell another story - Black women, when no one is looking from the comfort of their homes and hiding behind their laptop and smartphone screens, are actually checking for that same White Man MORE than they do their own Black men, on dating apps and websites(!). Moreover, Black women have been observed desiring MORE of the very trappings and baubles that White Patriarchy produces, according to an excellent 2013 piece by Rutgers University Black female academic Dawne Mouzon entitled, "Why Has Marriage Declined Among Black Americans?". Prof. Mouzon notes that Black women, more than any other racial or ethnic group of women in the country, demand more of their prospective mates - which means, that they expect Black men to put on the White Man's mask of power, privilege and prestige, to paraphrase the late great Franz Fanon.

With so many Black women so incredibly jacked up due to their own anxieties, neuroses and insecurities - which anyone can clearly see with one good eye - one has to ask: How ARE Black men supposed to "build" with half of Black America being seriously out to lunch? And, is it really The White Man's fault for that? We'll talk about it TODAY, on Obsidian Radio!

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