What's the Frequency Kenneth? by REM ~ We Now Know Who Kenneth Really Is...

4 months ago

This Stunning Video was created as a Companion piece to our Live Show, You are Watching a Movie You Can't Possibly Understand, to demonstrate just How Complex the Movie that we are currently Living is...

The Band REM and their Singer/Lyricist, Michael Stipe, created a Song, with Video, to add to the Mystique surrounding this Bizarre piece of History, where, Dan Rather, walking Home on the Upper West Side of Manhattan on the Night of October 4th, 1986, was accosted by two Men...these Men surrounded Rather, and then began Punching and Kicking him, all the while constantly asking him the SAME QUESTION, 'Kenneth, What's the Frequency'...

Well, what we NOW Know, is that this Bizarre and seemingly Random event, was NOTHING of the sort, and that is was all part of the Hidden War the was going on between the White Hats and the Black Hats, especially with regards to the Takedown of the Soviet Empire from the Hands of the Cabal, and what happened in Afghanistan, circa 1986 to 1990...the reason that William Tager and his accomplice continually asked Dan Rather the Question, 'Kenneth, What's the Frequency?' while the pummeled him into the Ground, was that earlier in the Day, Rather had been at Kenneth Shaffer's Office at Columbia University in New York City, learning all about Schaffer's Private Project where using Hidden Technology and a 12' Satellite Dish, to pull TV, Radio, Micro Waves and Morse Code from the Soviet Air Waves, which is he was able to Record and Store Away...

So, why was this Important and who is Kenneth Schaffer? Well, it was important because the Cold War was spiraling out of Control once more with the Soviet Union's Strategic Invasion and subsequent Destruction of Afghanistan...the White Hats, thru Ronald Reagan's Gov't in the United States, began to Feed the Afghani Freedom Fighters with NOT ONLY Secretive Weapons to Fight the Soviet Helicopters and Tanks, but the necessary Strategic Military Intel as to the Soviet Troop locations and upcoming plans about When and Where the Soviets would Attack the Afghanis...

It was with this Intercepted Intel from Kenneth Schaffer, and the Multi Nation Team Work to supply the Afghanis, Secretly, with the State of the Art Weaponry to bring down the Soviet Heavy Artillery Helicopters and their Heavy Duty M-55 Tanks, that resulted in late 1989, with the Afghani Victory over the Soviets (a simply IMPOSSIBLE task if left only to the Afghanis), and the eventual Collapse of the Soviet Empire and a Return of Free Russia and the Rise of Vladimir Putin...and ALL of this Incredibly TRUE story can be seen in the Movie, Charlie Wilson's War, starring Tom Hanks, who was also the Co-Creator and Executive Producer of the Movie...

And with Soviet Spies in the United States beginning to question Who Kenneth Schaffer was, and HOW he was capturing Soviet Programming, as well as Secretive Military Intel, via Morse Code, a DISTRACTION for the American Public was needed, to ensure that NO ONE, most specifically, the Mainstream Media in America, did NOT find out about who this 'Kenneth' was, and why his 'Frequency' was so important...

Thus, the Bizarre Story about Dan Rather's Weird Attack hits the News Waves without ANY information about Kenneth Schaffer and Columbia University, and his Secretive Work to Capture Soviet Programming and Military Intel...to this end, Dan Rather, speaking to the American Public on October 6th, of 1986, LIED when he claimed NOT to Know who this Kenneth was, or what the attack was all about...

To that end, REM and Other Artists kept the Story about Dan Rather's attack vibrant within Western Culture throughout the Nineties and into the new Millennium, and one must ask oneself, WHY if all of this was just some Misunderstanding on the Streets of New York...

So, enjoy the Video, watch and listen Carefully to all of the Clues that Michael Stipe placed into the Song to give the Listener CLUES as to Who was really this 'Kenneth' figure, and what all of this was really about...

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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