NEW SHOW - Cosmic Symphony of The Liberation Era- With Hostess Morven Bryce 8TH FEB 2024

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Cosmic Symphony of The Liberation Era

Cosmic Child-Hearts singing out in the dark!

Hey Team Human!

In this show, We are birthing, claiming and bringing forth our highly individualised sovereign soul voices and inner knowings with ever more intensity as We navigate complete structural and system meltdown occurring upon Earth.
It’s not a moment too soon is it- rehearsal time is over, and now WE are appearing from our waiting in the wings positions!

So Welcome to Planet Earth -the Giant Abuse Cult We have all been enduring since childhood, where we are told we must EARN our right to live here!
What an utter cheek!

-We will invite ourselves to honour and celebrate The Live and Living Space of the No Taboo where We can show up with, and for one another, no matter how we are feeling, to explore and lay bare:

* What is going on-according to our Own individualised Soul-translations of reality?
* What are WE doing here on Earth - and what do WE want to happen now?
* Why the actual hell are WE paying for board and lodgings upon this planet when we have been subjected to all manner of genocidal goings-on for EONS?
* Has anyone EVER asked OUR permission to run this planet the way it is currently set up?
* How dare these “overlords” treat Humanity the way they have?
* Can We reveal ourselves with deepest Soul longings and Hearts’ desirings in transparency and intimacy about what WE NEED and insist upon, for a FULL FAT FREEDOM for planet and Humanity?
* Can We remain embodied AS SELF 24/7 - even if few are hearing us, understanding us or even wanting to listen to us?!!
* Can We navigate this time via Soul’s felt-sense, instinct, inner knowings (and unknowings) self-decidings and choosings?
* Can We live our SACRED NO to the malevolence no matter what?
* Can WE have fun liberating this existence, despite encountering energies of fear, grief, pain and overwhelm?
* Can we obey Own Soul and Inner Music, rather than being dictated to and ordered around by agents and agencies that do not know our names?
* How on Earth are Souls of incredible benevolence and utter innocence being blamed for “everything under the sun” since birth??
*Perhaps the malevolence NEEDS us to CEASE obeying their commands too..after all, don’t they deserve to be liberated too from their “ KON-TROLL-ER ROLES”
* Let us share too on the agony of communicating our reality and truth to our kids or loved ones that seem to slumbering into eternity!

-Pouring forth our OWN precious life experiences and human expertise to go into these matters on everything We have already endured, such as: behavioural and social engineering from birth. psychological mind control, emotional suppression, being punished or exiled for telling the truth, phoney climate change tales, everyday cult dynamics, “economics” of slavery where WE are the “stocks-n-shares”. Let us tell enthuse and share with one another how WE ARE intensifying our Live and Living SELF TRUST and commitment to OWN SOUL- no matter what!

Please join me, I long to hear your soul melodies and harmonies pouring forth into this sacred space too- as this is not a Q and A- it is Our Symphonies of Liberation- sounded out loud!

My Soul Testament of incarnated Truth :

I was uncomfortably awake in my feltsense since early childhood- feeling that I was incarnated upon a realm of architectured despair, torture, torment, grief, overwhelm - and zero joy, zero love.
But who should I tell ?
So- Welcome to Planet Earth- OUCH!
A Cult of profound Soul -abuse, hideously set-up as some sort of shopping mall, where Humanity earns their right to “live” here whilst selling our precious life force to slave-masters!
No one I ever spoke to admitted to being aware that we should NOT be obeying and worshipping ANTI-LIFE systems and structures! It has been agony for every Soul.
Isn’t NOW the time to cease co-creating and co-manifesting FOR and WITH the malevolence we found upon incarnation?!

PRE 2020 Serf-hood Biography:

Morven studied at The Royal Academy of Music with Erich Gruenberg and Zakhar Bron.
Whilst there she won numerous awards and prizes and was the founder and first violinist of The Tippett String Quartet, with whom she toured extensively and gave recitals on BBC Radio.
As guest Concert Master of The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, BBC Concert Orchestra and The London Soloists’ Chamber Orchestra, she has toured internationally and performed at the major venues such as Carnegie Hall with Joshua Bell, Royal Festival Hall with Vladimir Ashkenazi, Royal Albert Hall and the Barbican, with Lorin Mazel and Kurt Masur.
When her children were born, she began session work at Abbey Road studios, London, for the global Film Industry; working for composers such as Hans Zimmer and Danny Elfman, recording films such as Shrek, Guardians of the Galaxy and Batman. She also ran countless music projects for young children, hoping to keep their Souls AWAKE and full of Soul-Self RIGHT to be on this planet expressing their unadulterated Cosmic Essence.

In 2020 Morven founded and runs the ongoing project:

This is a project that offers anyone and everyone easeful opportunities to come together and co-create Living Sound Experiences through spontaneous vocal sounding sessions. These honour the birthright to claim and use our own sacred human voices in these times of AI technological excesses and growing global censorship. We support and nourish one another, via the healing nature of sound, during these uncertain, but hopefully liberating times We live through as Humanity.
Feel free to get in touch via the website; and enjoy the journey of natural self-expression that will include sounding out disgust and grief at world events as well as celebrating Your Soul Sounds.

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