Is Israel on the brink of war with Egypt over attacks on Rafah?

3 months ago

Egypt has issued a stark warning to Israel on the consequences of pushing the Palestinians gathered in Rafah over the border.
Right, so the ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza have reached the end of the line as far as new targets go, having reached the border city of Rafah, where the crossing into Egypt lies and it is hardly any secret any more that there are a number of people in Netanyahu’s hard right coalition cabinet that would dearly love to see the Gazan population pushed through that crossing and into the Sinai Desert of Egypt. Without any right to return, Israel of course deny Palestinians that right, these people would never be allowed back but what would you do if your back is against the wall and you’ve a choice between dying or escaping into Egypt through the hole that’s been blown in the crossing right beside you? Do you really think Israeli forces wouldn’t accidentally on purpose blow a hole at the border wall, take out all of Egypt’s shoring up of the border as well and provide a route to desperate people which is literally their only path to survival?
Well if all of this hasn’t escaped your attention, then you know it hasn’t escaped that of the Egyptian authorities either and they have taken a swipe across Israel’s bows by threatening to tear up the Camp David peace accords if the people of Gaza get pushed into Egypt.
Right, so Egypt it would appear are prepared to risk all out war with Israel if their actions in Rafah right now, result in the Gazan people, getting pushed into Egypt. Now, for people following the events in Gaza over the last four months, especially if you’ve followed this channel during that time, you’ll know that this is the endgame for a lot of people in positions of power or influence in Israel.
An entire conference held by the Nahala settler movement played host to numerous far right government ministers, not just those from the hard right coalition parties keeping Netanyahu in post, but members of his own Likud Party too. And they’ve drawn up plans for Gaza, post Palestinians, with Israel moving in, taking over and rebuilding all the old settlements that were taken down some 20 years ago nearly and building new ones. Where do the people of Gaza go? These people do not care. They can leave or die is pretty the attitude. But go where? The world won’t take them, tha;’s what UNRWA is there for, to look after Palestinian refugees as they have done since the Nakba of 1948, but they are still being defunded despite Israel’s claims against them not worth a hill of beans, right down to the story of a Hamas tunnel under UNRWA headquarters, which turned out to be a cellar for solar powered inverters – a power source for the building in other words, underground to keep them cool. It’s the Indonesian Hospital tunnel story all over again, the alleged tunnel there was a rehabilitation pool for amputees. The lies just keep stacking up and getting debunked and why anyone takes Israel’s word for anything I don’t know, because you literally need mug tattooed on your forehead if you do.

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