Thai Jungle Curry (Kaeng Pa)

3 months ago

Thai jungle curry, also known as "Kaeng Pa" or "Gaeng Pa," is a fiery and aromatic dish that originates from the lush, tropical regions of Thailand. Unlike traditional Thai curries like red, green, or yellow curry which incorporate coconut milk, jungle curry is distinct in that it is entirely devoid of this creamy ingredient. This omission gives jungle curry its characteristic clear, broth-like consistency and allows the vibrant flavors of the spices and herbs to shine through.

The essence of Thai jungle curry lies in its bold and intense flavors, which are derived from a potent blend of herbs and spices. Common ingredients include galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, garlic, shallots, and chilies, which are pounded together to form a fragrant curry paste. This paste is then simmered with a variety of meats such as chicken, pork, beef, or seafood

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