South Africa seek emergency measures from the ICJ to save Rafah!

3 months ago

South Africa have made an emergency petition to the ICJ to step in over Rafah, but will it make any difference?
Right, so the situation in Rafah and throughout the Gaza Strip continues to get ever more dire as further attacks are committed against them by Israel, completely in violation of the International Court of Justice orders put in place as they continue to examine the plausible case for genocide demonstrated against them by South Africa. Just nine days remain until Israel are supposed to report to the ICJ to show how they have implemented the interim orders and instead all that is happening is Israel carrying on and completely ignoring them. So for the sake of the people of Rafah with nowhere else to turn, nowhere else to run and every other nation on the planet still even now ignoring what is happening there, South Africa are once again stepping in, turning to the ICJ and have petitioned them for emergency orders, which they have the power to deliver, before the IDF move into Rafah on foot with everything that could mean for the people there.
Right, so the situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate and war crimes continue to be committed as Israel moves in ever closer on Rafah, on the border with Egypt. For example yesterday just north of Rafah in Khan Younis, the Nasser Hospital had it’s northern wall demolished and its warehouses torched. No safe corridor was provided for the 350 patients inside and as they were ordered to evacuate, people leaving were shot by snipers. Cast your mind back to the beginning of this attack on Gaza when Israel said they didn’t target hospitals. Do you remember that? Lies then and lies now, except their lies have lethal consequences for innocent people. You can hardly say they are targeting Hamas here.
But one finished in Khan Younis, next there comes Rafah, hit with airstrikes again, half the population of Gaza is there now and where innocent people were always able to flee ahead of the IDF before, there’s nowhere left to go now and still our political leaders sit around like gormless idiots doing nothing, except arming the regime committing all the destruction.
South Africa took Israel to court already for this and the plausible case for them committing genocide has been satisfied to the point it will now be judged on its merits, but that takes years. It surprised the world when the ICJ so overwhelmingly came down on South Africa’s side, on the side of Palestine, in passing its provisional orders to prevent the killing of civilians, to stop the military killing civilians, to punish incitement to commit genocide, to provide aid and humanitarian assistance, to prevent the destruction of evidence and to report to the ICJ within a month of the order being given on all measures taken to meet these orders.
Israel broke them within two hours of them being set out and have ignored them ever since. They have nine days left to report to the ICJ on how they’ve met these orders, February 23rd is the due date, I doubt they’ll bother somehow.

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