Obama’s 'Nudge Unit’ Turns People From the Truth - Trumpet Daily | Feb. 15, 2024

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[00:30] Russian Nuke Threat: A Well-Timed Distraction (24 minutes)
Barack Obama’s “nudge unit” is at it again. The U.S. intelligence community is trying to frighten Americans with the threat of Russian nuclear weapons in space. But the Federalist suggests that the Russia nuke story is intended to force Congress to pass the Ukraine slush fund bill. It is also a useful misdirection from the recent revelations about the CIA and FBI’s creation of the Trump-Russia collusion narrative, the biggest political scandal in U.S. history.

[24:00] Did Biden Forget When His Son Died? (8 minutes)
The media is defending Joe Biden for forgetting when his son Beau died. However, even expert propagandists can’t sugarcoat Biden’s aggressive and factually inaccurate reaction to the special counsel’s description of the conversation. Is the tide turning?

[32:00] Mass Shooting in Kansas City (14 minutes)
After a shooting at the Super Bowl victory parade in Kansas City yesterday, the media’s immediate response was to call for gun control.

[45:45] Don’t Become Weary in Well Doing (9 minutes)
In a busy, frenetic world, true Christians must beware becoming “weary in well doing.” Instead, we must draw strength from our relationship with God.

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