In Ragusa, Sicily, The Teatro Donnafugata.

3 months ago

My first debunking video. There’s at least one video floating around the web that says it’s a place for elitist to sacrifice.

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The Donnafugata Theater dates back to the first half of the 19th century and is inserted in one of the most beautiful and particular contexts of Ragusa Ibla: that of Palazzo Donnafugata, one of the most significant palaces in Ragusa, also for its pictorial works contained in it.
 In 1997 at the behest of the lawyer Scucces, owner of the property, the first works of restoration and recovery of the small family theater began, which began its ascent towards the role that should have always belonged to him: that of “throbbing heart” of the entire building.
The main feature of the theater is the perfect acoustics. Lawyer Scucces likes to say with a smile full of satisfaction and emotion that “in her theater microphones are absolutely forbidden!”.
The adjacent rooms have all been restored and set up so that they can be used to host conferences and conferences.
Completely finished to restore in 2004, the Donnafugata theater represents the only theater in Ragusa and with its 100 seats it was counted among the smallest European theaters and awarded in 2006 with the prestigious Eurispes prize “The hundred Italian excellences”.
From the date of completion of the restoration, the Donnafugata regularly functions as a theater open to the public while maintaining its private management always entrusted to the property of the theater itself.

The artistic direction of the theater was taken care of in the first five years by Avv. Pietro Di Quattro who subsequently entrusted the same to his daughters Vicky and Costanza giving the start to an all-female management.
 For three decades the theater has been carrying out a varied and intense theatrical activity at full capacity: on the one hand there is a season of prose that sees on the stage of the Donnafugata alternate increasingly illustrious names of the Italian theater scene, on the other hand a remarkable season of classical music is confirmed year after year: “Ibla Classica International”. In the last year, an opening to the youngest has been joined with the review 'the Donnafugata of the little ones'.
A series of collateral activities complete the picture of the varied and careful offer that the Donnafugata Theater offers, establishing itself as one of the focal cultural centers in Ragusa and Ragusa Ibla.

Two hundred plants become special spectators of the Christmas concert “Notes of Nature. More oxygen for art", promoted by the Donnafugata Theater of Ragusa Ibla, Accademia alla Scala in Milan and Confagricoltura Ragusa

A Christmas concert dedicated to the plant kingdom. To take care of the environment, including through music, and to return to relying on the biorhythms of nature. The Donnafugata Theater in Ragusa Ibla celebrates Christmas with a special appointment, designed for a special audience: two hundred plants, of different species, arranged in the stalls. Special spectators of the concert “Notes of nature. More oxygen for art”, staged in the beautiful Ibleo theater and streamed on Christmas Day. Beautiful plant specimens, even the beards, made available by the floro-growing and wine-growing companies associated with Confagricoltura Ragusa, co-partner of the initiative together with the prestigious Accademia Teatro alla Scala in Milan. On the stage of the Ragusa theatre Ibla played his string quartet consisting of Kinga Dobryniewska on the violin, Sofia Goetz on the violin, Daniel Ciobanu on the viola and Marco Mauro Moruzzi on the cello.
Neither gloves nor masks therefore, but only leaves and roots to enjoy a concert all to themselves. Taking care of the environment and together inviting the spectators, deprived in this time of the possibility of being physically a “public” who attends the theater, to return to listen to the biological rhythms of nature that, together with the rhythms of music, can be a stimulus for new ideas and experiences.
An initiative conceived by the artistic directors of the Teatro Donnafugata, the sisters Vicky and Costanza DiQuattro, with the collaboration of the Accademia alla Scala in Milan and Confagricoltura.
At the end of the concert, all the plants were donated to the hospital wards of the Asp of Ragusa to try to alleviate, through beauty, suffering and loneliness.


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