The Anti-Christ-ian

3 months ago

#Q360 ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ reasons you are one of the dumbest creatures on this planet if you are still promoting Q or TRUMP or this list of Trump supporters, campaign contributors, associates, and appointed cabinet members that were kept secret from the public. But first the media and celebrities on Twatter with secrets to hide about themselves, Elon Musk a closet Askanazi Jew. Laura Loomer, a proud transexual Askanazi jew and former Project Veritas psyops agent now working for homo James Okeefe at OMG who's another disinformation agent, Brigette Gabriel aka Hanan Qahwaji, a Lebanese journalist agent of the Mossad writing fake hit pieces projecting the jew atrocities on the Muslims. Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Glenn Beck along with Alex Jones all either jews or working for them.
Let's start with the director of the Q movie, filmaker and producer for CastleRock. Who is none other than the former George Soros Bankster who also spent 17 years at Goldman Sachs Who started out as the Trump campaign national finance chair and was appointed us secretary of the treasury the askenazi jew, Stephen Mnuchin.
William Pelham Barr is an American attorney who served as the United States attorney general in the administration of President George H. W. Bush from 1991 to 1993 and again when appointed by Trump. his parents are jews. he went to work right away covering up the Epstein case and Trumps criminal history of rape and pedophilia and all ties to Epsteins Island which can all still be found on the .The Kushner administration went right to work pardoning fraudsters like Florida Governor Tim Scott who defrauded Medicare out of billions with his attorney general Pam Bondi,and the people donating to the Aleph Institute so Jonathan Pollard could be released from parole in time to make to aliya in Israhell.
NONE of the high profile pedos have been arrested like Bill or Hillary, The Podestas, Adam Shiff, Huma Abedin, James Elephantes, Bill Gates Ellen Degenerate, Madonna, Oprah, Dwayne Johnson, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and many more politicians, celebrities, and wealthy predators. no one has been arrested over COVID-19 or the vax.
Trump did nothing about Soros, Pelosi, or the deep state. He never gave the power back to the people like he promised over and over. On his way out he pardoned eric prince and the mercenaries that worked for him, but he said fuck julian assange and edward snowden.
Trump was very careful not to endorse Q for plausible deniability when it failed like he knew it would, the first 60 Q drops failed and the rest are just as questionable. Q targeted a specific Roseanne Barr/kid rock type of group of vulnerable patriots they knew would respond to the perfect speeches and follow instructions, q told you what to look for, what to say, and what not to say, and praised you when you did what you were told. Enlisting everyone as digital soldiers allowed even the dumbest of dumbasses to think they are a genius doing good. He endorsed DR. oz and reverend kenneth copeland. Q quickly became a grifters paradise with Jim Jones selling Kool-Aid on every corner, every one of them adding their twisted lies. The stolen election was a psyop. Jan. 6 was a psyop. Q is the biggest psyop in history because it was part of the warped speed rollout of death to millions and it is still killing innocent people.
Q also covered up all of this> his campaign crew and supporters, some ended up in his cabinet.

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