Stretching Exercise: Side Lying Quad Stretch

3 months ago

Exercise Side Lying Quad Stretch
Equipment: No equipment
Movement Type: Stretch
Body Focus: Lower Body

Lie on your right side on a mat/floor with your legs extended straight away from your body. Bend your left knee and pull your left heel up towards your left glute muscle (your butt). Use your left hand to grab a hold of the top of your left foot. Your right (lower) arm should be bent and positioned under your head for support. Your hips and shoulder should be aligned vertically to the floor. Your head should stay aligned with your spine. Exhale and use your left hand to gently pull your left heel and lower leg towards your tailbone while simultaneously keeping the left thigh and knee resting on the inside of the right thigh and pointing straight out from the left hip joint. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, then straighten the leg and contract (squeeze) the quadriceps (thigh) muscles and repeat for 2-3 repetitions alternate sides and repeat with the right leg. Be sure to keep the spine in a straight line and maintain the abdominal bracing to keep the pelvis stable.

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