Richest Animals in The World

3 months ago

You know that people can make millions of dollars as influencers or heirs, but have you ever thought about animals who can make bank just by being themselves? The relationship between man and animal predates capitalism, but that hasn't stopped some of the wealthiest people to ever live from trying to mix the two by leaving their ridiculous fortunes to their pets. Many pet owners don't shy away from putting their pets on social media, and sometimes their adorable dogs and cats even cash in big time. Whether through inheritance or merit, these pets have a higher net worth than any of us will achieve in a lifetime.
Welcome to another video on our channel. Today we will tell you about the richest animals on earth that are going to make you jealous with their importance and bank balance. So, without further ado, here are the wealthiest pets in the world and how they made their fortunes.

16 - Gunther IV
Dog, worth $500 Million
Gunther IV by the appearance of him looks just like another German Shephard - and he should! Because he is a German Shephard but he's not a common Dog. When Countess Karlotta Libenstein of Germany passed away in 1991, her will made sure that $80 Million was left for Gunther III. Only a short month after Leibenstein died, Gunther III passed away as well leaving his vast fortune to his son, Gunther IV. The guardians who were in charge of Gunther IV's care turned his fortune into five times what it was originally worth through smart investments, making Gunther IV the richest animal on Planet Earth. With $500 million to his name Gunther IV dines on steak and caviar and owns multiple million-dollar homes.

15 - Choupette
Cat, worth $200 Million

Karl Lagerfeld is proud to announce and represent his cat all around the world as one of the richest and most stylish cats in the world - and why wouldn't he. The cat actually looks quite expensive and well maintained. She earned all of the reputation and money from making commercials. Earning almost $5 million each year this cat is out on a rampage making it the richest cat that is also actively earning. Choupette received some of a $195 million fortune after Karl's death in early 2019.

14 - Grumpy Cat
Cat, worth $99.5 Million
We can simply guarantee that you must have seen this cat somewhere. The way this Cat has made its wealth sounds funny, as the money actually is something she doesn't even know of. In just two years the cat — who's real name is Tardar Sauce — has made $99.5 million from products that feature her appearance, including best-selling books and a film. The movie "Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever" has been publicized as a cross between "Home Alone" and "Die Hard". This cat has made her owner a rich woman as well and since then, her owner, Bundesen has left all of her other jobs to take care of her healthy – and wealthy -cat.

13 - Olivia Benson
Cat, worth $97 Million
Not many celebrity pets are millionaires, but Taylor Swift's cat sure is. The hitmaker is the proud owner of Olivia Benson, a Scottish Fold feline she's had since 2014. Under the ownership of Swift, Olivia has not only become famous, but also very wealthy. Today, she's one of the richest pets in the world, and her vast commercial work is to thank for this. According to the 2018 Pet Rich List, Olivia Benson has a net worth of $97 million, making her the one of the richest pets in the world. Taylor Takes Her Cats Literally Everywhere. Here's Olivia in her cat carrier, which—and I cannot emphasize this enough—I'd very much love to be transported in.

12 - Toby Rimes Dog, worth $92 Million
All of the fortune and its exact amount related with this poodle dog is so far a mystery and it is all because of the death of Ella Wendel, who happened to be the last sister of an extraordinarily wealthy family in New York. Ella Wendel decided to leave her poodle a fortune of an estimated $92 million. The descendent line of dogs has been named Toby Rimes, the last one being known for his charity acts. When Toby died after Ella, all of his wealth was divided and given to various charities.

11 - Kalu
Ape, Worth $90 Million
The story of Kalu is impressive. Being tied to a tree in Zaire, he was rescued by Patricia O'Neill, daughter of the Countess of Kenmore.
Now Chimpanzee Kalu lives in a luxurious mansion in the suburbs of Cape Town, South Africa. He is the richest ape in the world. His owner Patricia O'Neill was so fond of animals that she bequeathed all her money to several dozen dogs and cats, but Kalu got the most – an estimated $90 million. Kalu also owns a farm in Australia.

10 - Winfrey's dogs
Dogs, worth $30 Million
Oprah Winfrey, one of the richest women in the world, has five dogs Sadie, Sunny, Lauren, Layla, and Luke. We can assume that being one of Oprah Winfrey's pets must have many perks. One such perk is the fact that she has agreed to leave her pooches millions in her will, placing them on the list of the world's richest pets. They will receive $30 million when Oprah dies, which is a fairly large chunk of her total fortune.

9 – Gigoo Chicken, worth $15 million
A true hen that lays golden eggs, Gigoo is the only hen to reach the top 10 and one of the few to be considered a pet. Probably the richest chicken the world is ever going to come across and will never find cooked on their dining table. Gigoo was a hen that belonged to a very successful publisher of textbooks, Miles Blackwell. Miles sold all of his stakes at the end of his life and went into raising sheep and hens and when he died in 2001 he left a total of $16 million to this hen. It would have actually taken centuries for Gigoo to eat bird feed from this much money. What else could a hen do with such an amount other than eat. Let us know in comments section below!
8 – Blackie Cat, worth $25 Million
Blackie is said to be one of the richest cats from the past, being the owner of a $25 million fortune and also having a world record attached to its name in the same category. Back in 1988 when the owner of Blackie, a British antique dealer, died, he left him a total of $13 million. It was later found out that the total amount of inheritance was even more.

7 – Tommasino Cat, worth $13 Million
Well, what can we really say! Cats are very fortunate and their owners are most of the times very generous. Another example of such generosity is Tommasino. This was a stray cat. That's right, this cat was lost and found by one of the property tycoons of Italy named Maria Assunta. Assunta passed away after completing 9 decades of her life and when she died she willed all of her money - estimated to be around $13 million at that time - to an animal charity. Since no charity was found the money went directly to her cat.

6 – Trouble Dog, worth $12 Million
That's the name for this Maltese Dog. What's more impressive is that this specific dog wasn't much trouble because it owned a total of $12 million. Leona Helmsley, a real estate investor known for all of her achievements, left the money when she passed away in 2007. The only heir was Trouble to whom Leona bequeathed $12 million. After the death of Helmsley, Trouble lived in an expensive home in very comfortable conditions, went everywhere in his own limousine, received the best food and, in general, was not denied anything. As many have recorded and told, Trouble was named such only because it was known to bite people and misbehave in a luxury mansion located in Florida.

5 - BOO
Dog, worth $8 Million
Boo, a famously adorable Pomeranian owned by Irene Ahn, has built a merchandising brand around himself based purely on his unfiltered cuteness. Life-sized stuffed versions of him are available for purchase, he has his own book, and he has accrued several million social media followers. His net worth currently sits at about $8 million.

4 - Bart the Bear II
Bear, worth $6 Million
While many animals on this list may have come into their wealth by the sheer chance of being taken in by wealthy people, Bart the Bear 2 put in his time to earn his millions. While we personally aren't fans of wild animals being forced to do mankind's bidding, this particular bear has made a name for himself appearing in several Hollywood films, including Dr. Dolittle 2, Into the Wild, and We Bought a Zoo as well as Game of Thrones where he went against Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth. Born in the U.S. in 2000, this Alaskan Brown Bear and his owners, Doug and Lynne Seus, are responsible for his illustrious acting career.

3 - Conchita
Dog, worth $3 Million
Often referred to as one of the most spoiled dogs in the world, Conchita was a Chihuahua who belonged to Gail Posner, a very well-known socialite from Miami. When she died in 2010, she left Conchita a handsome amount of $3 million in the trust funds and also a very big mansion in Miami beach said to have a worth of $8.3 million. Now the dog isn't that intelligent and is also spoiled - not behaving well despite having this much money and that's a burn.

2 - Flossie
Dog, Worth $3 Million
So far all of the animals on this list were fortunate enough to acquire their money after their owners died. Flossie is a dog owned by famous Hollywood actress Drew Barrymore. When fire took her house, Flossie barked to alert her owner and her husband. She saved both of their lives and as a token of thanks Barrymore put her house, which is worth millions of dollars in trust for this very dog.

1 - Doug the Pug
Dog, Worth $1.5 Million
If dogs wore crowns, Doug would be king of pup culture! With 3.5 million Instagram followers and almost 12 million followers across all his social media channels, the six-year-old pug belonging to Leslie Mosier has had an impressive career. The four-legged cutie plays Monchi in the Oscar-nominated animation The Mitchells vs The Machines, earns a reported US$22,400 per post on Instagram, and is also a People's Choice award winner.

Whether through inheritance or merit, these pets have a higher net worth than any of us will achieve in a lifetime. What are your thoughts on these pets? Let us know in the comments section below. And if you liked this video you’re gonna love our video on the most expensive horses ever sold!

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