The Hijacking of MY website brought on by I AM 2.2 and Whama Jama from Channel 203

3 months ago

The Hijacking of MY website brought on by I AM 2.2 and Whama Jama from Channel 203!! NOT COOL!!

Be careful who you follow!!!! I AM 2.2 and Whama Jama from Channel 203 STOLE MY website which was one of MY HUMANITARIAN PROJECTS....and I have 117% Proof that these two individuals did it. If any of their followers choose to defend them, then they are also complicit in the theft. Period!! End of Story!! There's nothing to defend because the TRUTH doesn't need defending, the LIES do. They are wolves in sheep's clothing!!

My name is Rita Lingen....( I don't HIDE behind a stage name ) and here are the FACTS: all in the video above...
1. I have MY debit card that was used to PAY for the domain name thru Go Daddy.

2. The domain name is in MY name—not I AM's.... I paid for it....

3. I have MY debit card that was used to PAY for the website platform thru Duda...I paid for it...

4. I was asked by I AM to build a website for him to use and put up his past shows.

5. The platform thru Duda is in MY name with MY email attached to it for entrance to the website.

6. I launched the website towards the end of January 2023...for I AM...

7. The last time I spoke with I AM—because the website was SUPPOSED TO BE HIS....was Feb. 23, 2023...almost 1 year ago.... he abandoned me and hasn't spoken to me in 1 year???? Why......?? Because you abandoned me and I was stuck paying for it, the website is no longer yours....never was....Why did I have to pay for it, build it, maintain it and add his shows to it........and then I have to stay in touch with you, I AM?? How come you didn't reach out to me??

8. Then in the meantime—Whama..... you asked me to build out a website for you...based on what you saw with the website I did for I AM.... you paid for it, yes....I built it for free....on MY OWN TIME....and all I got from you was a pathetic Thanks....and then the shit show began because YOU condoned what Ti and Gina said about Emily from QSI......and those 2 hypocritical people hadn't even spoke to Emily....what did she ever do those Ti and Gina????? Nothing!! I don't get your pathetic behavior!!!!

9. I get caught in the crossfire.... if it were me that that those 2 said what they said, I would've driven over there and washed their mouths out with soap!!! HOW DARE THEY SAY THAT ABOUT ANOTHER LIVING SOUL!! And yet, you defend Tionianae and his wife Gina....and Shane, Qranker and I are out of Channel 203 because you condoned this childish behavior—SHAME ON YOU!! (and I have the emails that were sent asking Tionianae for a public apology and that never happened...)

10. I was blocked and banned from Tironianae channel........and I didn't say a DAMN WORD!!

11. Qranker and Shane and others help you build your channel. Shane invested more time than me in editing your videos and creating your logo....and I put them up on the Rumble Channel I set up for you....

12. My mistake was TRUSTING YOU with the username and password to get into the platform so you could work on your own website—NOT STEAL MINE! And that's how it was done.

13. Whama had the username and password—gave it to I AM and he changed the credentials so I couldn't access MY WEBSITE... on Friday night, Feb. 2, 2024. So, I had no access to the site and I AM was making changes to the site including deleting complete pages and certain videos. I lost control of MY website for 3.5 days.

14. I AM...or Whama...or Tionianae...(since they are all admins on his channel) BLOCKED AND BANNED ME FROM I AM's Channel.....and I didn't say a DAMN WORD!!

15. I emailed Duda on Saturday Feb. 3, 2024. A response came in on Monday, Feb. 5,2024 stating the email had been changed—to I AM's email and I have proof of that as well because it's on his Odysee page......and the gal sent me a screen shot of what the dashboard looked like.

16. A copy of the website was made—which tells me that his intentions were to move the copy to another account, slap a new domain name on it and poof, he has my entire website for free.

17. Digital footprints; are you 2 that fucking stupid that you didn't think I'd catch this day and age, everything is tracked digitally.

18. I had to prove to Duda that the account was mine, I had my debit card, I have my bank statement that matches with my debit card, I have my email address and I have the receipt from Duda from when I paid for it. The email was restored back to MY email address and I reset a new password. Lesson learned!!

19. I deleted your pathetic attempt at copying my website and restored it to a previous date.

20. Whama—Your website that you paid for doesn't exist anymore....You're fucking DONE!!

– I now question your Honesty, Integrity, Credibility, Morals, Character, Loyalty and Gratitude....

– There is NO justification for doing what you thieves did!! What gives you the Right???

– This was a personal attack on me....All I expected from you 2 was a little common courtesy --which doesn't exist.

– I'm EXTREMELY disappointed in your 2 know better, you're in your 60's and 70's....your actions demonstrated to all of us otherwise.

– It's VERY obvious that you wanted something I had...a FUCKING AWESOME WEBSITE!!!!

– Your EGO---it's all about your DAMN EGO!!

– I've put thousands of hours into MY website—Not yours, MINE- because this was NEVER a was Rita does it all and I AM will take credit for it......that's NOT how this Bullshit is going to go down... Am I pissed at you thieves...You bet I am...and I have EVERY right to be pissed at you both!!

– This was very hurtful to me and was so unnecessary which added so much stress that none of us need right now.

In my opinion, not only were you trying to steal MY website from me, but you deleted certain pages which indicates you were trying to censor the truth from the “truthers” and from the rest of the world. I've had just about ENOUGH of the Censorship BULLSHIT to last me a lifetime.

You're supposed to treat others BETTER than you treat yourself---which says it ALL!!! You set the Truth Movement back 10 paces-----THIS BULLSHIT WILL NOT BE COMING WITH US INTO THE NEW WORLD. WE WON'T STAND FOR IT!!

Both of you-- you're either intellectually ignorant or intellectually lazy ---- you had the audacity to STEAL MY WEBSITE. I'll let you pick which one you are.....

I wouldn't trust anything you two talk about now. You've demonstrated to all of us that you can't be trusted with anything.... YOU STOLE MY WEBSITE....MY HUMANITARIAN PROJECT!!!!!!! Who does that?? How PATHETIC!!!!! How extremely selfish are you??

You owe it to Rita, Shane, Qranker, your audience and the rest of the world a PUBLIC APOLOGY!! The choice is yours......

DO WHAT'S RIGHT—NOT WHAT'S EASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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