3 months ago

The deliberate targeting of westernization through a global csocial construct impacing populations in countries worldwide has also had and is having a critical influence on New Zealanders.

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The globalized call to decolonize Nation States, flying the banner of decolonization, utilizing the terminologies that include ‘diversity-equity-inclusion’ as they analyze their very biased aggressiveness. Tension over harmony, separatism over unity, self determination of one revolutionary groups over all others in the majority group. Bad storms, wet weather, cold, hot Maori are more effected than anyone else in New Zealand this is what academics write.
Northern Regional Council New Zealand on government website report Māori are largely employed in primary industries, which are vulnerable to likely weather extremes such as extended droughts, flooding, salt water in water tables, and tidal inundation. This may directly impact whānau incomes. Climate change makes Maori more vulnerable, impacts on the Marae Climate Change. Government Dept Te Puni Koriki – Understanding climate hazards for hapori Maori.
Māori hit harder because of rising seas NZ Herald 18/4/2021 need for managed retreat for Maori. Just how does that work when ‘An Auckland iwi is putting its hand up to buy part of the city's waterfront if Ports of Auckland operations are moved to Northland.’. Iwi long lease of land plan to build waterfront Māori at Te Atatu. Waterfront site. The acquisition last year comprises around 250 hectares and ... Hapai is an iwi-owned property fund that currently has 20 iwi investors.
We as New Zealanders need to call a halt of this de-colonization of New Zealand. All New Zealanders are Migrants, whether you arrived in New Zealand first or last. Race based policies, race based decolonization cause a destructive social impact
This is why I support Seymour’s’ Treaty Bill. I urge more people to try walking on what is called broken glass, you get used to it and after a short while its painless and very empowering to speak your inner voice.

Video Viewing time 10 minutes

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