Horse Escapes Her Pasture To Be Closer To Her Owner

6 years ago

Horses are social creatures and are able to make social attachments to their own species, other animals and humans as well. They are also intelligent and can perform number of cognitive tasks on a daily basis. Horses are naturally curious and can learn simple things. Domestic horses face more challenges than wild horses since they live in artificial environments that do not come natural to them.

Horses are creatures of habit. Some describe their horses as very bossy with other horses, some that their horse is afraid of anything new and others that their horse do not pay attention to them. According to this, horses fall into four categories: social, fearful, aloof and challenging.

April - the horse you are about to see in this video is a social horse. Obviously, she can get bored easily, grazing on her pasture. She needs more room, not just the enclosed space she paces up and down every day. Come on, that is so boring! Still, the unexpected guest on the porch is not an unusual surprise for this lady. For this easy-going horse, the visit at the front door of her owner’s house is a high priority and something that has to be done regularly.

Clearly, the horse enjoys the resonant sound of her owner’s voice and she is so patiently involved in the listening part. Her prickly ears and the head jerk shows how she craves for more conversation and we can see how she approves of it whenever the lady pets her mare. April is so diligent, she knows that she can not go up the porch or inside the house so she is sufficiently content with the undivided attention the lady gives her. No doubt that horse lovers would like to have a horse like this in their pastures.

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