Dr. Rauni Kilde –They Plan on Eliminating the Middle Class & Remove 2/3 of the Worlds Population

3 months ago

Dr. Kilde’s full name to help in searches is -- Dr. Rauni Leena-Luukanen-Kilde. Dr. Kilde is a medical doctor.

Dr. Rauni Kilde is from Norway, but is Finnish.

I apologize for the video quality.

Dr. Kilde knows all about the plans of the global elite and how they control us through the various methods of Mind Control.

She says that mind control is the worse than the Atom Bomb. They mind control people with electromagnetic fields, microwaves and drugs which all manipulate the frequencies of your body.

What is the purpose of this psychological operation of mind control? It is to keep you under, to make sure you don’t think for yourself and especially to make sure you don’t wake up and have any potential of establishing a resistance. They want to keep you in a Zombie state.

Dr. Rauni says: “Unfortunately, the Plans are to Remove 2/3 of the World Population.” “It took me years to find out that Governments are Planning to Eliminate their own people.”

Dr. Kilde says: “I think that people should know about this because they don’t want their children and grandchildren to become Biological Robots for their Supercomputers.”

Mind Control is a technique being implemented by the Military and the Secret Services and they are using it AGAINST us. For all the morons who follow Derek Johnson and how he is trying to convince the masses that the Military is the only way and they are on our side, is B.S. The military leaders are totally in with this depopulation plan. They have been promised wealth and power in the upper class to rule over the slaves that are left.

The military may be the only way, but they are not talking about ridding the “Deep State”, they are talking about eliminating the middle class.

They get wealthy celebrities to promote their tools, like the Covid Vaccinations.

Guess who Dr. Kilde says is the #1 Target of Mind Control? The Politicians.

The politicians are the ones who just allow all of this to happen. I guess it would make sense is they are hypnotized and under mind control.

Dr. Rauni Kilde says that the beam from helicopters, airplanes, from white vans, and from satellites.

Does anyone believe that Elon Musk’s StarLink Satellites were designed for benevolent purposes?

Dr. Rauni Kilde says that they have tried to kill her and they have successfully killed some of her loved ones and family. She says she knows too much. They have poisoned her and have threatened her.

We are all multidimensional energy and time doesn’t really exist.

She says that they do time travel and have gone to the future and to the past and have even changed the past. She says many children have died in experiments.

Dr. Kilde says they are programming people to kill. They are changing their emotions to hate. They have the technology to send a vibration of love but they don’t do it.

They are planning on eliminating the middle class and to leave the slave class and the wealthy who will control the slave class.

Dr. Kilde says that they are targeting the children with frequencies and mind control and symbols through Pokeman and other tv programs.

TV is like a hypnotizer. When the color changes to green, you know they are beaming your brain.

They are programming mass shooters to get guns away from the middle class, because with guns we can half-ass resist.

They are programming these children to do school shootings. See what RFK Jr says about these mass shootings, interesting. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – What Is The Real Cause Of All The Mass Shootings?

The CIA and unethical doctors are involved with the brainwashing and programming.

They have very ADVANCED technologies in which they can read your thoughts. People have no clue about this.

It will take a mass awakening which will change the frequency of this planet. We can beat them with LOVE and LIGHT but it will take the masses to know this. It is a race to eliminate this in case the masses would figure this out and somehow unite.

Watch this next: How Mind Control Works -- https://rumble.com/v4fst30-how-mind-control-works.html

**Other Dr. Rauni Kilde Videos:

1. Dr. Rauni Leena-Luukanen-Kilde - Swine Flu Hoax

2. ***MUST LISTEN - Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen - Mind Control Weapons in use Today - Part 1 of 2 - RARE GEM

3. ***MUST LISTEN - Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen - Mind Control Weapons in use Today - Part 2 of 2 - RARE GEM



Anonymous -- https://odysee.com/Dr.-Rauni-Kilde-interviewed-by-Jo-Conrad:f – A clip of the one below.

Etre Positif -- https://odysee.com/@Lourdes:6/Les-technologies-invisibles---Interview-du-Dr-Rauni-Kilde:3

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Thank You!!

END. 2/28/2024.

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