Jason Christoff – Weaponized Psychology and Propaganda during the COVID Operation

3 months ago

It is good to see people out there educating others on the Covid Plandemic.

Psychological Weapons:

1. Confusion – Dr. Joost Meerloo – “Confusing a targeted audience is one of necessary ingredients for effective mind control.

Confusion sets the subconscious into believing it lacks clarity, believing itself unable to make logical decisions.

Therefor, our neurological system finds it SAFER to outsource personal authority and decision making to external third parties when confused.

If you can confuse the masses, you can stop them from thinking. When the masses can’t think they are under the spell of the perceived authorities and “experts.”

Confusion Examples during Covid:

• Gyms were closed yet liquor stores and restaurants were open.
• You had to wear a mask to enter the restaurant and when you sat down you could take it off.
• PCR tests were said to be unreliable but yet those were the mandatory tests that the government recommended to take.
• Dr. Fauci first said that no masks were necessary, then one mask, then TWO and then back to they don’t work again.
• Large Corporate Stores were Open – they ordered small businesses to be closed.
• Vaccines were stated Worldwide that they were Safe and Effective but Big Pharma said they were not liable for any injuries or deaths they caused.
• Pfizer instructed the US Government to HIDE the Vaccine Safety Data for 75 YEARS.
• If someone died or was injured within 14 days of taking any Covid Vaccine, that death was listed occurring in the unvaccinated. The VAERS data indicated that the vast majority of injuries and deaths occurred within 72 hours of the vaccine.
• Strip Clubs were providing FREE Lap Dances if patrons submitted to the Covid Jabs. At the same time, Churches were forced to close.
• Multi-Gender Campaign – men began dominating womens sports.
• Testing was by sticking a swab deep up the nose into the nasal cavity and in many cases penetrated the brain.

2. Group / Peer Pressure –

Edward Barnays -aka- the Father of Propaganda said: “If we understand the mechanism and motive of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will, without them knowing it.”

Human Pressure to fit into the herd is a genetic safety mechanism, which operates outside of our control.

We are designed to seek safety in the bigger group. We are designed to feel afraid and vulnerable when we are in the smaller group. We seek safety first, not happiness, nor logic, nor rational analysis of our problems.

Justin Trudeau: “Almost 90% of truckers in Canada are already vaccinated, and the best way to continue to prevent supply chain disruptions is to ensure that everyone gets vaccinated. The small fringe minority who are holding unacceptable views, do not represent the views of Canadians who know that following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to ensure our freedoms, our rights and our values.” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

He says to protect our freedom and our rights we have to be vaccinated. Is this f*cking crazy or what. And people were manipulated by this. They were scared that they would lose their freedom and didn’t want to be the “minority” holding what the government deemed unacceptable views by not listening to the “science.”

This is PEER Pressure.

Other Weaponized Psychology used:

Fear, Guilt, Shame, disempowering repetitive content, and psychological priming.

“If we know how the magician executes his tricks, the magic show FAILS to impress.”

“You can’t farm lions, only lambs.”

“Evil spares no one and uses everyone.”

We must awaken the Lion within us. The world can only be made great if we make ourselves great.

We need to STOP listening the so called “health experts” because those experts are hired guns and just being directed to read scripts from the playwrighters. It’s all fictitious.

We need to wake up, muster up some courage and begin leading with morality and ethics.


Champagne Joshi -- https://twitter.com/i/status/1762516040158695605



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Thank You!!


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