Kitten Tries To Play With Golden Retriever Who Ignores Her

6 years ago

There are plenty of times when we have seen videos of dogs attempting to play with cats. Usually the cat ignores the dog until cat becomes annoyed. However, it is pretty rare when we see a video of cat trying to play with a dog while the dog absolutely ignores the cat.

All this kitten wants is for his big dog friend to play with him!

The big Golden Retriever is eating out of his bowl. Meanwhile, the kitten is leaping at the Golden Retriever's tail. The little kitten keeps snagging his claws in the dog's long tail hairs. As the dog keeps his head in his food bowl, his tail wags. Each time the tail wags, the little black kitten jumps up to swat at the wagging tail.

At some point the dog stops eating his food, and looks up at his owner filming the interaction. The Golden Retriever looks up plaintively at his owner with a look that says, "Do you see what I have to put up with? Why do you let this kitten annoy me like this?"

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