Fine-Tuning Your Life ~ Part 1 ~~ Making Your Home A Better Place to Be part – A

2 months ago

Fine-Tuning Your Life ~ Part 1
Making Your Home A Better Place to Be part – A

By Pastor Gary Wayne

This Morning I want to start a series of messages on fine tuning your life.
Taking time to re-examine our priorities in life, and making sure we are walking out how we know we should live.

In the course of an important journey, there are essential moments when you take time to see where you have been, where you are now, and where you need to go.
I believe it is critical in a person’s spiritual life to set aside quality time to do this.
For years, I have dedicated September to spiritual emphasis month, but last September I felt we needed to talk about being filled with the Holy Spirit.

I want to take the next few weeks to cover:
Making you Home a better place to be.
Making your Church a better place to go.
Making your community a better place to live.

I want to attempt to do an interactive survey of different questions around these topics. So Pastor Heatherann and I have put our heads together to try and glean your points of view around these topics. There are 3 different ways you can contribute. 1 the question in your bulletin. 2. In text form – Heatherann will text people this question, and you can comment back. 3. Email form – there will be a web address for you to click on and you can submit your answers on a survey. Name optional.

Text: Deuteronomy 11:18-21, Joshua 1:1-9

Let’s take a hard look at our home life and focus on making where we live a better place to be. A place where the presence of God can thrive.

Set aside some quality time with God and ask Him some basic questions about our home life.
Maybe set down as a family – at least husband and wives and pray this question: “God, how can our home be a better place to live?”

Take time to work on yourself – not the other people in your home – just you.
Focus on what needs to change in your personal life.
Make a list, and then pray the list.
(What are some practical examples.)

When was the last time you set aside quality time to talk to God about who you are?

Re-establish daily personal devotions.
Go for quality, not quantity.

Human tendency is to launch into a good thing and do too much, then it gets too hard and we quit.

This is a time where you set aside quality time alone with God DAILY.

• Re-listen to the app – “The Pause.”
This is about a 10 min pause time for you to set aside for Father to speak into your life. Go to the app store on your phone, download, sign up, then twice a day, pause and spend quality time with God.

• Maybe take the book of Proverbs and read one chapter a day.

• Have a personal Bible reading plan.

• Find a Christian book that will challenge you.

• Replace some of your TV time – or fill in the blank ______ with 15 min. of Spiritual Emphasis.

How can we take this message past “Good Intentions?”

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