Kryon – Are we being Programmed to Age Poorly?

2 months ago

Do we have to Age? When we focus on our age we are subconsciously focusing on a PROGRAM to die at a certain point in time. Aging is a bias. If you don’t like it, it’s a bias.

Do you think that living for 900 Years was a typo in Scripture? NO, it wasn’t.

How did they live that long? To start, they never focused on their age. They never said “I am 84 years old, etc.”

Age meant nothing to them. The body will age on it’s own schedule, but if you are biased enough to put limits on it, you will go right to the place where MEDICINE says you ought to be.

Stop telling people how old you are.

Do you realize what this carries with it? If you watch the media, it tells you how you are supposed to feel at a certain age. It will also tell you what DRUGS you are supposed to take at this age because at this age you are supposed to be developing symptoms of some sort.

You are being PROGRAMMED to Age Poorly.

The programming doesn’t just come from TV, it come from your parents, your school, your society and your peers.

If you didn’t have a STIGMA on how Old your were, would your Chemistry be Different? YES it definitely would.

How is that? Because Consciousness is guiding Cellular Structure. How you believe is being absorbed by your body and acted upon.

We get what we order. What we order is based off of our BELIEF Systems. Our belief systems are developed from our great grandparents, grandparents, parents, our educational system, our medical system, our peers, our society and especially our media which influences all the before mentioned.

Our belief systems are Fraudulent. They are fake. They have no foundation based truth.

Therefore, our fraudulent, fake, fictitious belief systems are MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING.

We are told that Aging is bad. We look at how others appear at certain ages and we think to ourselves, this is how it is.

Yes and No.

It does NOT have to be that way. Just because they have developed fictitious belief systems, doesn’t mean we have to adopt them.

We can develop our own now that we know the truth.

Once we adopt the fictitious programming we subconsciously prepare our body to age accordingly.

Who do you think you Are? (Let the Deprogramming Begin)

1. I Am an Ageless human being existing on this planet magnificently. My body hears every single word I am saying and my cellular structure is clueless on how old I am. We don’t need a birthday party with candles, who cares how many birthdays you have had? When we think of birthdays we think of age. When we think of age, those images of programming comes into play of how our physical appearance should be.

My grandfather and my father both were diagnosed with cancer at the age of 60, so I probably will too.

It is this kind of thinking that tells your body to do just that. That is truly how powerful you are. We don’t even consciously realize it.

2. The cells of your body are designed to listen to the boss. YOU are the BOSS. Think of CAL – Cells are Listening.

Your cells are ready to be programmed from the consciousness that you give them is the program that they will respond to better than anything else on the planet.

You can program yourself out of ANY Inheritance Factors. My dad got cancer at 60 and my mom died of heart attack at 65. Those are potential predispositions.

The amount that we age is programmable also.

The amount of energy you have is programmable.

Programming to your cells comes from that we call INTENT.

Conscious Intent can program a human being so that they can last longer and not be attracted to disease.

3. You programmed yourself to be a Victim. If you didn’t, then others have.

We need to change who we are. We have been groomed to a system which has programmed us to take a PILL to help an ailment. That pill turns into daily for the rest of your life and then comes more ailments with more pills and so on till you do die from all aid of the toxins and your own belief system.

Those who have the spiritual connection knows that this is not the way it truly works.

The truth is what you believe you are is the precursor to everything.

Are we going to believe in a fictitious medical system or are we going to become conscious that this was a just a program to age poorly and expand our consciousness and become self-healers?

We need to know that we have God in us and we are Magnificent in the Eyes of God and Nature. Once we realize this, everything will start coming together.

The cells of your body are listening – CAL. They want you to give them orders. They are giving you a menu, now all you have to do is order up a plate of Health and Peace.

Once you assign an age or a number to your body, it is programmed to listen to the subconscious programming that it needs to do something at a particular time.

We have to get off that train.

We need to change our beliefs and realize our own God-like Powers.

Many are stuck in their RELIGIONS they grew up in. They feel attached and guilty to move away from this.

If your parents are deceased, now they know the truth, that they were WRONG and were Programmed and developed FALSE Beliefs.

YOU Control your Biology and you control how fast you age and you control the chemistry in your body.

As human consciousness evolves to a higher frequency it will be difficult for the pathogens to attach to this frequency. You will not be getting sick as frequently and duration of the illness will less.

All of your cells are RECEPTORS and are Listening for Instructions. A higher consciousness will give higher instructions to the cells.

As consciousness continues to evolve, eventually the body just won’t accept any disease. It will automatically reject it and you simply won’t get sick.

When you start talking to your body, it becomes smarter and begins learning proper ways to reject pathogens.

When we became Americans and won the war. We threw everything European away. We threw away the accent, the religion, and we threw away Homeopathy.

Homeopathy – is a conceptual idea that works with the body.

A tincture is a design of a minuscule chemical that would send a signal to the body of what the one using the tincture is asking for in healing.

Science will look at the tincture and say that it is too small for a chemical reaction, therefor it will not do anything for the body.

Science is right.

Here is Answer to why it DOES Work – A tincture under the tongue is an instruction set that is designed to give the body an Axon. So, there is no CHEMICAL Reaction – BUT, there is an INSTRUCTION Set that is elegantly designed to tell the body what to do and the body does it.

Science won’t figure this one out for a while. But, that is how it works.

That is why Rockefeller and his group of cronies BANNED Homeopathy and called it Quackery.

The body is listening. The cells want instructions.

One way to do this is Homeopathy.

Another way is with CONSCIOUSNESS!

How does this work? It works through words that we say or thoughts that generate when you answer the questions of who you are, your body reacts to the instructions it receives that you give it.

How do you think Jesus healed? With Conscious Intent. He knew with NO Doubt that he was part of God and had the ability to rid diseases just by his intentions.

We have to learn that just about everything that we have been taught is simply not true. We have been in the dark and when we believe the dark is truth, we have little chance of ever coming close to our potentials.

We are here to CREATE LIGHT.

Our Genealogy is programmable. Know this mRNA jab lovers.

Everything that has happened in our life is our OWN doing. Now that we understand that it is our choices that got us here based on fictitious belief systems, we can change everything.

We have to BLOCK out ALL negatives and focus on the Positives.

We are powerful human beings. It is not just about ridding disease. It is about everyday life.

The body hears everything. Be conscious of this when saying negative things and thinking negatively.

None of this will work until we KNOW who we are. Just like, Jesus, he KNEW. 100%.

We can now this knowledge to face our fears and even be around people you can’t stand, as you tell your body, I am not going to let this person get to me today. Once the attitude is change, everything will change over time. The people that bother your will gradually phase out of your life as they are not getting your reaction they desire.

You can’t just plug in these things and still be half-way in the former belief system. You have to get out completely and you also have to remove all negativity. Then you can plug in your affirmations.

You were born magnificent and you are hear on purpose. You are hear for a reason.

What is that Reason? To create LIGHT for this planet.

If there are enough of us producing Light on this planet, the Dark can NOT Exist!

Kryon is Channeled by Lee Carrol



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Kryon Lee Carroll --



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END. 3/4/2024.

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