2b. Gain Health, Strength, Energy and Wellbeing Using a Phone Charging Pad!!! (Arms)

2 months ago

Hello I’m Richard and in this video you will see how to gain health, strength, energy and wellbeing using a phone charging pad on your forearms

Please note I am not a Doctor or Physician, Scientist or medically trained in any way

Please see your Health Care Professional if you have concerns about your health

As a precaution please do not use this if you have a pacemaker and if you’re pregnant or under 16 please wait until you’re not before using

This is not a medical procedure and you use it at your own risk

Its pain and side effect free


This is not a joke or fake video

Main points:

Please use the charging pad on your lower back shown in the video before this one

This method is simple, easy, safe and inexpensive with no side effects with the charging pads placed on the inside of the forearms

If you have 2 phone chargers you can do both forearms at the same time

If you have only 1 phone charger do 1 forearm then the other

Only a phone charging pad and charger or USB socket are needed – any make and type will do

If you’ve used the charging pad on your lower back once a week from the previous video and are used to the electrical energy you can now do the 5 sessions on your forearms twice a week for no more than 1hour for each session

If you view the leg video which is next you can alternate the legs and arms so 1 week its arms then next week its legs.

For the legs the charging pad is placed under the calves when laying flat such as on a bed also for twice a week, but see the next video

Passing electrical energy into the arms and legs makes sure the human body is fully covered and charged, connected and helps transform the body condition from low to high electrical energy producing health, strength, energy leading to vitality, enthusiasm, interest with a general feeling of wellbeing

It seems the human body has 3 main storage areas for electrical energy which act like batteries: the front of the body, back of the body and the brain

The front of the body charges up from external sources: food, air, sunlight and possibly the suns heat and gives us the energy for life and physical activity and is expressed externally in to world

The back of the body stores and supplies the electrical energy supplying the bodies systems, functions and processes and is used internally

This area can’t be charged with the electrical energy from food, air and so on and it only contains the electric energy a person is born with and as life progresses this electrical energy gets used up and the body starts to fail

This means illnesses and conditions arrive which are usually blamed on people getting old, but this area can be charged up with electrical energy by placing the charging pad on the lower back

The third area is the brain which is supplied with electrical energy from the second area, but as the second area is very low with electrical energy when born, there is none spare for the brain and the higher brain functions such as intelligence, insight, comprehension, contemplation, meditation, reflection, compassion, originality, realisation and so on which are all higher brain functions, higher than thinking

This is why in my view, thinking has become so important and predominates: it’s all we have working


How to use the charging pad:

You will need 1 or 2 phone charging pads and charger or USB socket – any make or type will do

If you have 2 charging pads both forearms can be done at the same time, otherwise do the forearms 1 after the other

Switch the charging pad on and place it on something flat like a bed or arms of a chair with the charging side up

Have bare arms

Rest the inside of your forearms on the charging pad for up to 1hour and finish

Use up to 5 times in total twice a week if you’ve used it on you lower back, then top up occasionally ongoing

Your body will draw in the electrical energy it needs and when electrical energy is flowing into you the charging pads will feel joined, or stuck to you

Charging the arms and legs will allow full body coverage

Please post any feedback regarding results, what this method helped you with, and so on in the comments.

Thank you for watching and please share so others can benefit

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