9-0 Decision Proves the Corporate Media Liars … Again!

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If you’re shocked by Monday’s utterly predictable nine-to-zero Supreme Court decision, you must be one of the few remaining morons who believe the corporate media.

The very idea that the Supreme Court would allow the states to remove a presidential candidate from the state ballot was pure hopium being pumped by a corporate media that knew better but didn’t care. These liars only care about one thing: cynically hooking as many suckers, gulls, and dummies as possible.
– Legislation preventing local governments from validating community IDs for illegal aliens passed on the Florida House floor Monday.
The bill prohibits a county or a municipality from accepting “any identification card or document that is issued by any person, entity, or organization that knowingly issues identification cards or documents to individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States,” per the staff analysis.

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