Bashar – 5 Laws of Existence – Can you actually Change Your Past? Mind-Blowing Information

2 months ago

EVERYTHING in Existence is a reflection of ONE Intelligence, ONE Existence and ONE Awareness.

The One is ALL and the All is ONE.

From that one is EVERYTHING.

Within existence is a self-awareness, that which is aware of itself, this is called CONSCIOUSNESS.

The idea of self-awareness requires the concept of an other than self by comparison to know that there is a self.

There is a dynamic of ONE and Not the One and the other and not the other and the self, then you have immediately not a polarity but a TRINITY.

There is always a balance point in the center between two polarities.

You instantly jump from one to three, not to two. You always have that balance point in the center and this what some of the religious texts mean by Trinity.

There always has to be a center point in what we experience as DUALITY and POLARITY and what we experience as OPPOSITES. This is a TRIANGLE which the most solid, stable structure. The triangle is the underlying template of Physical Reality.

Triangles and Tetrahedrons form the underlying template of what you experience mathematically and energetically as your physical reality projection in consciousness.

The idea of sense of self by creating a sense of other than self and create the trinity of the balance point between the polarities, you instantly develop and expand into the idea of the structure of existence and the nature of existence that then can perpetuate everything that you experience from that point forward as reflections of all that is.

The 5 LAWS – really 4 as the 5th applies to the first 4.

1. You Exist. There is NOTHING you can do to change that.
2. Everything is Here and Now. There is nothing you can do to change that.
3. The One is All, the all is One. There is nothing you can do to change that.
4. What you put out is what you get back. There is nothing you can do to change that.
5. EVERYTHING Changes – EXCEPT the 4 Laws.

The structure of existence never changes, what changes is the perspective of existence. It expands and goes on and on, as we can have an infinite number of experiences.

As we continue to expand and as we understand the structure of existence, we come into the nature of the DREAM of PHYSICAL REALITY.

The Spirit World or Non-Physical Existence is our NATURAL STATE of BEING.

You NEVER, EVER leave it, that’s where you are ALL the time, which is always NOW time.

The idea is that you are Dreaming that you have left that state. That is what Physical Reality is.

You are in that state, dreaming that you are not in that state. We create this framework, called Space Time. This is so we can experience a PROCESS of Change and a PROCESS of Growth so we can have different perspectives and expand creation in that way by FORGETTING who you are so that in the process you can REMEMBER who you are from a New point of view and that is called Discovery, Expansion and Change.

When we develop this Space Time Framework we call “Physical Reality Dream” we set up guidelines to know how to navigate, how to survive, how to perpetuate this physical reality dream.

There are 7 Basic Needs in Life that Allow us to Experience Physical Reality:

1. AIR – without air we will die in minutes. You are abundant with air. You need air to survive in this projection, in this dream.

2. WATER – without water we would die in this dream also.

3. SLEEP – without sleep we would go psychotic and die, probably within 11 days. This life is not real, it is a projection, so when we wake up in this physical reality we are actually going to Sleep in the Spirit World and when we go to Sleep here in the physical world, we are actually waking up in the Spiritual World, our natural state.

4. FOOD – there are individuals who can survive for a very long time without food, but this is the averages for the normal, average person.

5. SHELTER – or a compatible, sustainable environment to survive the elemnents.

6. RELATIONSHIPS – it doesn’t have to be with humans, can be with rocks, plants, trees or animals.

7. CREATIVE EXPRESSION TO EXPRESS YOURSELF – you must live this dream to your Passion. It won’t end you life if you do not immediately do it, but it will slowly dampen your spirit and drain your battery. You will start to die slowly or it could be a quick death and many who do not act on your passion will commit suicide.

It is important that we WANT what we NEED, not to want what we want.

The 11 Elements of Excitement and Passion. When we are passionate we just can’t wait, we have a lot of energy, this becomes the driving engine that moves you through life.

When live to our highest passion, and constantly do what excites us, we begin to flow through life, we become a current. You “Go with the Flow” a saying that really is true and makes actual sense.

You can only go with the flow if you are doing what excites you and living to your highest passion. If you don’t, this is when you experience negativity and this life (dream) becomes difficult. We experience struggle, pain and strife.

PAIN is the result of RESISTING your Natural Self and not doing what you TRULY want and are here to to do.

The most difficult thing to do is to be someone that you are NOT. That is truly what is difficult.

You need to go with the flow, as that is who you were made to be, that is the reflection you are, that is what will make life fun.

When we act on our passion we will always receive what we need, whether that be money or synchronicity, or gifts and sometimes it might just be your imagination which is your conduit of communication for your higher mind which gives you new ideas, new options and pathways – all of these are forms of ABUNDANCE.

We need to act on our passions with no expectancy of the outcome.

The Instruction Manual for Life:

1. Act on your highest excitement -- no matte what situation you are put in.

2. To best of your ability commit fully to that path of passion and excitement and see it through until you either can't go any further or you are no longer excited.

3. Do NOT set Expectations on the Outcomes This is crucial! Insisting your actions lead to specific results can blow up in your face in unlimited ways. You have to drum up the courage to act on your excitement and simply discover what happens next.

4. Except the Outcome as a Positive -- Define the outcome as a positive one, no matter what happens. In other words, appreciate the outcome, trust completely in yourself and your excitement instead of judging anything as a mistake, and recognize the outcome as truly being what you needed, because it always will be.

7 Tools for Acting on Excitement – Doing what Excites you – things to know and remember while acting on your Passions.

1. Excitement is the Driving Engine (it motivates you)

2. Excitement is the Organizing Principle that brings "positive synchronicity" (meaning things fall into place for you, eg. being at the right place at the right time, or meeting just the right people, etc.)

3. Excitement is the Organizing Principle that brings "negative synchronicity" (meaning if you can’t do it, you don’t need to! It's a terrific blessing to have doors closed off to you that you thought you needed but don't).

4. Excitement is the Path of Least Resistance. (You can surrender to the flow created by your truest self -your signature frequency, your true essence. Just remember part 3 of the formula and the saying "insistence is resistance.")

5. Excitement Brings Any and All Forms of Abundance that you actually need. (Abundance isn't just money. It may be a form of trade, a gift, a synchronicity, or an idea/inspiration -those are the 5 most common forms of abundance on our planet).

6. Excitement is the Complete Kit (it brings all that’s relevant to you at that moment, including expressions/forms of your passion/true authentic self. It leaves nothing out!).

7. Excitement is the Reflective Mirror you need. (Self awareness is crucial for our growth and success. The mirror reveals anything out of alignment with your signature frequency –meaning it will bring any relevant negative beliefs to light and although you might not like how this manifests, you can at least choose to change so that you never manifest such a thing ever again).

By understanding this, you will be able to turn negatives into positives and darkness into light. You can never become non-existent, you only can change, you are ENERGY with a Consciousness.

Everything is in the NOW. Space and Time are Illusions.

Time is a side effect of your consciousness shifting through Billions of different Parallel versions of reality every single second. Every single second, you are shifting through multiple timelines. You are becoming a new person every moment.

As you become a new person every moment, you create a new future, but you also create a new past. *This is important to understand.

The Future you and the Past you are ALWAYS dependent – connected to the NOW you. Get it?

You can change the past. You can change the future.

Ever hear of the Mandela Effect? What we do now can change our past timelines so if we meet a classmate from 40 years ago, our memories of the experiences we had might be different, but both are true.

The true secret to the Law of Attraction is that you need to be the vibration of something to attract it if it is really relevant for you.

More importantly is this – your fundamentally, essential vibrational signature frequency is already attracting every single thing that is relevant for you that you truly need in life. You don’t have to learn to attract what you need.

You need to REMOVE all the negative FEAR based beliefs that are preventing you from seeing that you are always in the key vibration, the essential frequency of attracting and manifesting everything you need.

You are ALWAYS attracting something. Always. Be the vibration that you prefer in alignment with your truth and let go of the things that are blocking what it is that your truth is attracting and you will flow and manifest in an accelerated way.

You have FREE WILL. You get to decide who you are.

Believing and Knowing are like Night and Day.

What you KNOW to be true, you do. You just DO IT. When you know, you know.

Act on Your Passions and allow your consciousness energy to flow with no resistance.




The 11 Elements of Excitement --

Bashar Website –

Manifestation Guide: How to Manifest Anything You Want Within 24 Hours – PFD --



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END. 3/5/2024.

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