BBC bias is now no longer annoying, it could be life threatening.

3 months ago

A report on physicians associates by a BBC reporter has been slammed for being little better than government propaganda.
Right, so when it comes to media bias, one of the first that gets pointed at, and not for no reason, is the one we all pay a levy to keep going, the BBC, the licence fee part of the reason so many of us get so angry at it, both on the left and on the right. Some might call that the balance that the BBC is supposed to maintain, but when you’re balancing opinion with everyone hating you, that’s not quite right then is it?
But a report on physicians associates, fake doctors in our NHS, by a BBC reporter is gaining significant notoriety, not only because of it’s inaccuracies, but the fact the reporter in question, Gem O’Reilly, appears to be blocking anyone pointing these shortcomings out! Why have the BBC not stepped in here? Why are they apparently supporting a report that read doctors are actually slamming? We need more real, properly trained physicians, not fake ones doing the same job with less training and undoubtedly for less money. This will cost lives, so what gives?
Right, so physicians associates, anaesthetists associates, they aren’t doctors, but you’ll be fooled into thinking they are, especially with the government having legislated for the General Medical Council, the GMC, to oversee these people, when the GMC is there as a regulatory body over real doctors only, at least that has been the case up until now.
Let’s not beat around the bush with this, like nurses, there has been a steady decline in doctors training places in this country, despite the clear and obvious need for them. There has also been a bottleneck created for employment for doctors, which given the shortages, you might think sounds crazy, but when there is a cheaper option on the horizon, perhaps make more sense, because no longer is primary care an altruistic, health of the nation, issue, it’s all about business decisions these days, because this is what always happens when s**t get privatised and its been happening by stealth for ages, from hospital services being outsourced, to external private health companies taking over GP surgeries or chains. Now knowing that, it might stun you to realise that of the doctors who applied for GP posts last year, 6,500 of them, didn’t get a post. It’s not like the vacancies are not there, but General Practice takes more training than any other, training posts are not there, they are not being made available, because NHS England refuse to fund them and if you think when I refer to NHS England that I am referring to the NHS itself, I am not, because NHS England is just the quango set up by government to oversee, pretty much, privatisation by stealth. Actual doctors are more expensive to train and warrant more pay, than say, a quick and easy solution, like a less well trained, less well paid alternative, that’s being passed off as the genuine article. Fake doctors. If ever there is a term that should strike fear into anyone, its an inadequately trained medic being put in charge of your health.

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Damo Rants Kernow Damo bbc news,bbc,bbc bias,physicians associates,gem o'reilly,gem o'reilly bbc,bbc healthcare reporting,bbc fake doctors,tory propaganda,tory fake doctors,bbc propaganda,fake doctors life threatening,doctors association uk,british medical association,bma,emily chesterton,general medical council,gmc,royal college of physicians,academy of medical royal colleges,nhs england,gem o'reilly blocked,kernow damo,damo rants,kernow damo youtube,matt kneale

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