Satans forum The "Muse-ic"-industry totally exposed from the 60s till today [Swedish subtitles option]

2 months ago

This we reproduced breaks without a reasonable doubt down the entire "Muse-ic" industry and the spiritual control of it by satan and the history of it from Elvis to the Beatles to Jimi Hendrix to Led Zeppelin to U2 to Iron Maiden to Red hot Chilli Peppers and whose industry is led under the teachings of Aleister Crowley/Timothy Leary and who was the building block for that os satan created New Age hippie movement in the 60s. This is just one of satan's forums but one of his most primary and likewise the film industry as these are just the stage for satan that he uses out to reach man spiritually with.

Pastor Joe Schimmel that has produced this original documentary that are available in a 10hour version by the name "They sold their souls for Rock n Roll" was a former atheist and has been in the music-scene we are thankful that G-d showed us this for many years ago are we pray for this man.

I who made a re-production of this, have 30 years of experience as a "musician" and played in about 20 different bands from the 90s in most different genres from Punk, Rock to Black Metal and have worked with the highest level in that industry in Sweden and Internationally and has seen satans works "backstage" of that scene. This documentary is important for you to see.

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