Healing The Soul Of The Nation: Gold Star Dad Steven Nikoui Arrested For 'Disrupting' SOTU Address

2 months ago

Is this what 'healing the soul of the nation' looks like? Yesterday at the State of the Union address, Gold Star father Steve Nikoui yelled out 'Abbey Gate' during Biden's remarks. His son, LCpl. Kareem Nikoui was killed there during the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. Joe Biden gets heckled by Gold Star Father Steve Nikoui. His son, Lance Col. Kareem Nikoui, was killed by a terrorist suicide bomber during Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

So the pro-Hamas crowd was allowed to block a motorcade, but the gold star dad gets arrested for shouting. Awesome. Realize where we are. Lawfare is the rule of the land. For all Biden's talk of 'unity', he's sure dividing us. But TRUMP is gonna jail his enemies… It's textbook projection: accuse your enemy of what you're actually doing.

• More at: Twitchy - Healing the Soul of the Nation: Gold Star Dad Steven Nikoui Arrested for 'Disrupting' SOTU Address
Rumble: Gold Star Mother Describes Her Meeting With Biden: 'This Isn't About Your Son. This Is About MY Son'
Twitchy: Biden's Optics Are Terrible … Redsteeze Points Out the Disparity in Treatment of Gold Star Father

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