Wins of the Week with Ted Kuntz - March 8, 2024

2 months ago

Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada shares the “Wins of the Week” for March 8, 2024. Bringing you the latest news and positive updates in the areas of Legal, Political, and Medical, in Canada and around the world.


1.  A class-action lawsuit is being launched against the Alberta and federal governments on behalf of Albertans who say they were harmed by COVID-19 vaccines. In a Feb. 29 press release, Jeffrey Rath, lead counsel on the case stated: “I think Canadians will be shocked to learn about the rushed changes to safety standards for the Covid Vaccines which removed the requirement for the Covid Vaccines to be either ’safe or effective.’” Mr. Rath added that the defendants used “coercion” to make the public take the vaccines, including “by stripping their rights from them.”

2. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that a request by police for an IP address is a search within the meaning of section 8 of the Charter. This ruling dealt with the question of whether an internet protocol address attracts a reasonable expectation of privacy, such that a request by the police to obtain it constitutes a search under section 8 of the Charter.
The Supreme Court of Canada in a 5–4 decision, ruled that for the police to get your IP address, they have to get a warrant.

3.  Many American colleges are suffering from a different kind of “long Covid” — as they fight breach-of-contract lawsuits for forcing students into online-only instruction in 2020. The latest victim of the litigation wave is one of the country’s most expensive schools: George Washington University, who has agreed to pay $5.4 million to former students who sued the DC institution.

Meanwhile, hundreds more lawsuits are occurring across the country. In 2022, Columbia agreed to a $12.5 million settlement, to cover reimbursement for lack of access to the school’s libraries, gyms and other campus assets. Cornell settled in September for $3 million. Penn paid out $4.5 million, and Delaware will pay $6.3 million. Another 200 lawsuits are in the works.

4.  Nine Ontario nurses who were fired for not getting the COVID-19 vaccine could be getting their jobs back after an arbitrator determined their termination was “unreasonable.” “They should have been offered the option of an unpaid leave of absence and must, therefore, be reinstated if that be their wish,” James Hayes wrote in his March 1 decision. “Nurses intent on remaining unvaccinated are a small minority everywhere but their employee rights may not be ignored.”
In cross-examination, Susan Rowe who is vice president of people and strategy said it had not been considered that vaccinations given earlier in 2021 could have waned by the time the policy was put in place.
“Hospital statistics indicated that of the 335 staff infections most were in a fully vaccinated workforce,” the arbitration documents said.

5.  Legislation introduced on March 5 would strip COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers in the US of liability protections, enabling Americans injured by the shots to sue the companies. The bill proposed by Rep. Chip Roy would retroactively remove protections under the PREP Act for COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers. “The American people deserve justice for the infringement on their personal medical freedom and those medically harmed deserve restitution.” Mary Holland, president of CHD said “This legislation represents a critical milestone in rectifying these injustices and paving the way for a more accountable future.”


6.  Saskatchewan will not remit the federal carbon tax on natural gas to Ottawa, the province’s energy minister announced on the due date of the payment. The province stopped collecting the tax on natural gas from homeowners on Jan. 1.

7.  Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe has defended his government’s decision not to remit the carbon tax on home heating for the province’s residents after the federal environment minister called the move “immoral.” “Apparently, it’s ‘immoral’ to give Saskatchewan families the same carbon tax break on the home heating that Trudeau gave Atlantic Canada,” said Premier Moe.
Federal Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson has said that the Federal government could withhold carbon tax rebates from residents in Saskatchewan as a result of the Saskatchewan government’s decision. Premier Moe responded to those comments by saying the province would stop paying the carbon tax altogether if residents stopped receiving the rebate.

8.  Following a mandate by the Florida Board of Governors, the University of Florida has fired all diversity, equity & inclusion staff, effective immediately. University of Florida has closed the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer, eliminated DEI positions and administrative appointments, and halted DEI-focused contracts with outside vendors. Approximately $5 million in funds previously allocated to DEI initiatives will be reallocated into a faculty recruitment fund.

9.  An essay posted in the Canadian Bar Association website on Feb 26th purports that the Canadian judiciary is moving in a positive direction. The title – CANADIAN JUDGES ARE CASTING ASIDE THEIR DEFERENCE TO GOVERNMENT WITH RECENT RULINGS.
It states – When Federal Court Justice Henry Brown ruled this month that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet need to appoint more judges, fast, he did something no judge has done before. Justice Brown told the federal executive branch that its inaction on judicial appointments is a constitutional violation, and that it is the business of the courts to supervise the government until it does its duty.

Traditionally, judges in Canada have stayed away, from telling the Prime Minister, cabinet and the legislative branch what to do. But Justice Brown’s ruling cast aside such deference.


10.  People who test positive for COVID-19 don’t need to isolate for five days anymore, according to updated guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which said that COVID-19 has become similar to—and in some cases less severe than—the common flu. The new guidance, updated on March 1, says that the threat from COVID-19 has fallen to become more similar to that of other respiratory viruses.
The same article stated that As of March 1, only about 13 percent of U.S. adults have received the updated COVID-19 vaccine.

11.  A new study found higher mortality among vaccinated patients hospitalized for COVID-19. According to the study, vaccinated patients had a 70 percent risk of mortality compared with 37 percent in the unvaccinated group.

12.  Gail Macrae, a California ICU nurse, is speaking out to raise the alarm that the public is being misled about the injections and the true number of Covid patients. Macrae is accusing the hospital where she worked of violating medical ethics. She said this violation, which she believes is happening across the country and beyond, has resulted in increased harm to patients. Macrae was fired for not complying with the staff vaccine mandate.

13.  In a surprising move, Dr. Anthony Fauci has raised concerns about the efficacy of mRNA vaccines in combating respiratory viruses. This statement marks a 180-degree turn away from previous statements and public health strategies that have heavily relied on mRNA technology to curb the spread of diseases like COVID-19. According to Fauci, vaccines that focus on systemic immunity do not fully address the unique requirements for combating respiratory viruses.

14.  The Real Anthony Fauci, the book by Robert Kennedy Jr., is now a full length feature film that is available for free.
To watch The Real Anthony Fauci movie first watch the trailer, then register to receive the link.

15. Residents of Union County, North Carolina have successfully lobbied their county commissioners to ban the use of fluoride in the county’s water systems. The decision came after a group of citizens who call themselves the Fluoride Fighters expressed concerns about fluoride’s potential harms.
We’re still awaiting a decision in the fluoride neurotoxicity trial with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that I’ve reported on recently. A win would likely mean that the EPA will order the removal of fluoride from drinking water. 200 Million Americans are exposed to fluoride without informed consent.

16. A recent Swedish study published in the Economic Affairs journal on Feb. 11, looked at the health and economic impacts of COVID-19 lockdowns in Sweden. It found that Sweden’s less restrictive COVID-19 policies led to lower excess mortality contrasted with many European nations that imposed stronger lockdown rules. Sweden also suffered a lower negative impact on GDP growth during the COVID period. Imposing restrictive lockdown measures during the COVID-19 period led to higher excess mortality in such nations while also damaging their economies.

17.  The co-founder of a specialty pharmacy that was at the center of a deadly national meningitis outbreak in 2012 pleaded no contest to involuntary manslaughter in Michigan on Tuesday. Prosecutors in Boston said the lab cut corners to boost profits, neglected to properly disinfect its rooms, shipped drugs before receiving test results and ignored warnings that its methods were unsafe.


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