Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Placed Operatives in Biden Admin to Rig US Science Policy

2 months ago

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Placed Operatives in Biden Admin to Rig US Science Policy in His Favor
April 16th, 2022
Rising - Hill TV
Golly Gee. Do you think it may be a Threat to National Security letting an Evil Psychopath who is Hell Bent on World Domination be allowed to have control over Government Policy Decisions on Government Science and Technology Laws, Regulations and Awarding Military Industrial Complex Project Contracts?
Especially when that Psychopath gets the Government to allow the Creation of Advanced AI Autonomous Weapon Systems that could operate as a Private Army that could MURDER MILLIONS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS...
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Have you ever watched any of the “Terminator” movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger? If you have, you will be familiar with the evil villain “Skynet,” which is a fictional artificial, neural network-based, conscious group-mind and artificial general superintelligence system that decided to terminate all human life in the late 2020s.

It has become palpably obvious that the company that most closely resembles Skynet today is Google. You may recall that Google purchased the leading artificial intelligence company Deep Mind a little over eight years ago for the paltry sum of $500 million.

This was likely the most important purchase Google made to jumpstart them to Skynet status, with their already massive surveillance capacity corralling data collected from its search engine, which controls 93% of the searches in the world. Its Chrome browser and email client, Gmail, has around 50% use across the internet, and 85% of the world’s smartphones are using Android. All these give them nearly unlimited data on most of the world’s population.

This is why you absolutely need to pay close attention to most anything Google does, including the activity of former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. According to a March 28, 2022, report1 by Politico reporter Alex Thompson, Schmidt has held undue sway over U.S. science policy.

“Under Biden’s former science chief, Eric Lander, Schmidt’s foundation helped cover officials’ salaries, even as the office’s general counsel raised ethical flags ... given Schmidt’s financial interests in areas overlapping with OSTP’s [Office of Science and Technology Policy’s] responsibilities,” he writes.2

In addition to his overlapping financial interests, there are also other potential conflicts of interest. As noted by Thompson, Schmidt cofounded and is a current board member of Civis Analytics, a data science company that has worked on Democratic campaigns, including Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.

Schmidt Leverages Influence to Further His AI Dreams
The OSTP is responsible for setting strategic priorities for the U.S.’s $1.4 trillion annual health and science spending. In recent years, a primary focus had been the creation of federal policy on artificial intelligence (AI), which is also one of Schmidt’s key areas of interest.

For example, he’s a board member of Rebellion Defense, an AI-focused defense contractor. As reported by Thompson:3

“Two officials from Rebellion Defense joined the agency review teams on Biden’s transition team. It was a win for the young company as no employees at major defense contractors landed on the agency review teams, The American Prospect reported.

Since Biden took office, Rebellion Defense has received 10 defense contracts, according to the watchdog Tech Inquiry. On September 15, Axios reported the young company had raised $150 million dollars at a $1 billion valuation.

Ties to Rebellion have already proved thorny for some members of the Biden administration. Mina Hsiang, administrator of the US Digital Services, sold her investment in Rebellion on September 30, weeks after being tapped for the role.

The investment was only worth between $15,000 to $50,000 in January 2021 when she initially joined the Biden administration. It was worth between $500,000 and $1 million when she sold it, according to her disclosure forms, prompting a complaint from an ethics watchdog.”

Schmidt is also invested in Abacus.AI and Sandbox AQ, both of which specialize in AI, and is funding an AI initiative called AI2050 to the tune of $125 million.4 Importantly, Schmidt also chairs the National Security Commission on AI — created by Congress in 2018 — which last year urged president Biden to “reject calls for a global ban on highly controversial AI-powered autonomous weapons,” according to CNBC.5

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