The Cabal Infiltration of Both The Therapist and Client!

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Recently, I was made aware of guidelines from ISSTD that therapists follow for trauma and dissociation. (The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation.) I was shocked that the guidelines are from 2011 and for children have not been updated since 2003.
As I read through the guidelines of ISSTD; I knew that the Cabal had infiltrated this association. Unfortunately, the Cabal has infiltrated all education for children, therapists, and the medical field. Rockefeller foundation took charge of education in the 1900's. Rockefeller Foundation got rid of all holistic cures. The medical field is not taught to heal, but to manage the symptoms.
The therapists are told to follow guidelines in the ISSTD that are meant to keep the person sick and on pills.
I dont blame the therapist. I blame the association and education for teaching false principles to therapists. If a therapist followed some of these guidelines it would absolutely be dangerous for them and the client.
I have my own story how these guidelines of ISSTD failed me greatly and ensured that I would never heal. Thank goodness I finally found holistic methods that did work and did heal me. For the rest of my life; I will do all I can to teach those who truly want to help survivors. We as a society must demand a new education system be taught to licensed therapists.
One of my life's goals is to train professionals how to work with SRA and MK Ultra survivors. Therapists told me at my seminars in the past that they receive very little training in trauma.
Tonight, Monday, March 11th, 2024 on my podcast, I will go through some of the guidelines to show how it is false and dangerous to someone seeking help. The Cabal education is to make sure no one gets off pills and the trauma that has been inflicted never gets resolved.
I will go over my course coming up and on how to help professionals to be successful when they work with SRA and MK Ultra survivors. What I teach is proven to work over and over with clients without re-traumatization and the fractured mind coming back together. The miracles I have seen prove some of the guidelines are misleading to the therapist and client in very dangerous ways.
This is a time in history that darkness and lies must be shown in all areas of life.
We will not be misled by Luciferians anymore!

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