March 12th - An unknown cause of serious fungal infections

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Doug Talks About: An unknown cause of serious fungal infections

Yesterday, you learned that it is probable that infections run in pairs (co-infections); to have a bacterial and a fungal infection together is likely quite common, but a catalyst seems to be required to make a single bacterial infection become a fungal co-infection. As one paper (*) stated, “co-infections might occur in humans after they have been treated with antibiotics.” Based on this, today we will discuss a cause of fungal infections that the medical community is likely unaware of, the overuse of antibiotics. We’ve all taken them and just now, 70 years after their inception, we find them linked to very serious and life-threatening symptoms and/or diseases. Do we all need to consider taking antifungal medications to prevent these possible horrific health consequences of antibiotic therapy? - Doug

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