Whom do you serve... Am I your God or are your Parents your God...? ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

2 months ago

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Am I your God or are your Parents your God… Whom do you serve?

June 25, 2020 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) My Dear Family, the Lord has put something on my heart for you, and He began speaking to me today after my Lord’s Supper. I’m just going to go ahead and share with you what He had to say.

Jesus began… “Many are the people called by My Name who are living for themselves, and even for their parents. I have called, and called and called the elect, but some are so engrossed in this present life that they refuse to answer My call.

“So many are living for their parents. Capable souls that I have been calling for years have instead hearkened to the voice of their parents and society’s demands to be respectable. How long must I call you before you will forsake yourselves and cleave to Me?

“Must I wait until the end of your lives? That may not be a very long time away… but this is typically how I am treated by those I have called to walk with Me. They say… ‘First I must bury my father.’ What is that about? Gaining approval from your father, and an inheritance?

“I have called you to forsake all. You will not be able to excuse yourselves on the basis of what kind of life your parents wanted for you. No, you will stand empty handed before Me, because you gave yourself to the world and all its enticements. You married, had children, grew old and anesthetized in your cultures amusements. And only when you are old and spent you want to offer yourself to Me?

“Where were you when you were young and strong and I put it on your heart to follow Me? You heard Me clearly, but you chose the comfortable route, strewn with disappointments and failures you did not anticipate. Had you followed Me when I called, your life now would be vibrant, meaningful and your peace would be without end.

“My children, I am addressing right now, those who are straddling the fence. Your life does not belong to Me, but to your parents. They have done a good job raising you, but have failed to let go and give you to Me. Because of this you have chosen to conform to their desires and tread the safe route, follow their example, go to college, get married and raise a family. For those of you who are called to do this, I bless your choice, because it is done within My will for your lives.

“But those I have called to walk the dusty and difficult path of leaving this world and serving Me exclusively, to you I say, you are multiplying your woes, because this world is not going to endure much longer, and the deeper your involvement with it the more you will suffer and be forced to make a decision between the world and your God. Children, unless you build on the rock of My will, your lives will collapse, they will not endure.

“What kind of fruit do you want to bear? The fruit of money, security, social status, or the fruit of souls won for the Kingdom of God, saved from the jaws of Hell? It is time for you to take a long, long look at the choices you are tending towards and project them into the future, and what their ultimate outcome is.

“Do you want all the trappings of a successful life in the eyes of the world? Or, do you want the fruit of lives added to the Kingdom and serving Me? Do you want Me to provide for you, or do you want to make your own way, relying on your strengths and gifts, the ones you’re endowed with, by serving the world and making it your master?

“I am so very serious My young ones. Many of you have been called to be saints, but you have a mistaken sense of responsibility by putting your parents before Me. Do you know that this is idolatry? You chose your parents will for you over My calling and My will for you in this life, and this makes your parents your God.

“Yes, indeed, I am chiding you. I have waited and waited and waited for you to turn your back on the world, responding to My call, and many of you are still kicking the dust and weighing your options. What I want is for you to make up your mind, take the reins of your life in hand, and follow the course you have decided on. If it is Me, then come to Me and we will begin the work. If it is the world, stop toying with Me and go full throttle into your decision.

“If you can’t quite decide, tell Me… ‘Lord I am willing to be made willing. Please help me.’ And I will come to your aid and work with you.

(Clare) Dear Lord, please forgive us for our double mindedness, and lead us into greater intimacy with You, willingness to hear your voice and obey Your will for our lives, so that we can become all that we were created to be. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord… Amen.

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