Herniated Disc Surgery | Bryan's Story

2 months ago

Bryan's Lumbar Disc Herniation Surgery at the Bonati Spine Institute has him back to his active lifestyle traveling the world.

Lumbar disc herniation occurs 15 times more often than cervical (neck) disc herniation, and it is one of the most common causes of sciatica or lower back pain.

When a disc ruptures, a portion of the spinal disc pushes outside its normal boundary. This is called a herniated disc. When a disc bulges out from between the vertebrae, it constricts the spinal nerves that are located very close to the disc. Therefore, the spinal nerves and spinal cord can become compressed causing pain, numbness, weakness and other herniated disc symptoms.

Lumbar herniated discs are a common problem in healthcare. They most often affect people aged 35-50. While a lumbar herniated disc is painful, the symptoms do not usually last long. Approximately 90% of patients diagnosed with a lumbar herniated disc have no symptoms after 6 weeks, even if they do not seek treatment.

It is not unusual to have a lumbar disc herniation and have no symptoms. The symptoms may be triggered by moving or lifting something heavy and/or twisting the lower back.

Most herniated disc causes are from the gradual age-related wear and tear on the spine, called disc degeneration. Spinal discs lose some of their water content due to age. That makes them less resilient and more likely to tear or rupture.

Most patients can’t pin down exactly what caused their herniated disc. Some causes include using your back muscle instead of your leg muscles when lifting heavy objects, twisting or turning while lifting, and, rarely, a traumatic event such as a blow to the back or a fall.

If non-surgical treatments such as exercise, physical therapy, and medications do not relieve your pain, surgery may be necessary. The Bonati Spine Institute has been a leader in advanced spine surgery for decades, with more than 75,000 successful surgical procedures performed.

The Bonati Spine Procedures achieve a very high success rate in the surgical treatment of herniated discs. When conservative treatments no longer work Lumbar Disc Herniation Surgery may be required. The physicians at The Bonati Spine Institute may perform an array of procedures for treating herniated discs including:

If you would like to know if you are a candidate for the Bonati Spine Procedures, please visit: https://askbonati.com/?utm_source=Rumble&utm_medium=Description&utm_term=herniated-disc&utm_campaign=BryanV or call 888-343-0082.

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