Third-World: AOC's District Unrecognizable As Migrants Overrun Neighborhood Selling Clothing, Food

2 months ago

Mike Pence has said he will not endorse Trump. Ok. Most of us are ok with that - it's no secret they don't really care for one another, especially since Pence was very vocal about his dislike for Trump during his own campaign. Only an idiot would be surprised that Pence is refusing to endorse Trump. Case in point: -- TheBlaze @theblaze: “Mike Pence: “I will not be endorsing Donald Trump this year.”” -- Kristi Noem @KristiNoem: “Seriously??? What is Mike Pence thinking?????” -- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC: “Maybe he’s thinking that the people who wanted to kill him, and those who sent them, are bad. And you seem to think they are good. Need anything else explained? Happy to connect other dots for ya.” -- Reminder, AOC wasn't in the Capitol that day.

Reminder, AOC couldn't connect the dots if they were all the same color and already connected for her. To be fair, we've been a little confused about Noem's bizarre QVC-like behavior lately but we'd take Noem on her worst day over AOC on her best day ALL DAY, every day and twice on Sundays. Meanwhile in your district… -- You lied about that day. No one cares what you think. So glad you escaped that fateful day, imagine if you weren't 3 blocks away.

• More at: Twitchy - GRRL, BYE: AOC Offering to 'Connect the Dots' for Kristie Noem Does NOT End Well for Her, Like at All
PJ Media: Look Whose District Has Become a Third-World Brothel and Bazaar

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