Teach KG at Home _ گھر پر کے جی پڑھائیں _ केजी को घर पर ही पढ़ाएं _ Pre-KG _ KG _ home schooling

2 months ago

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Challenges in Pakistan's Education System
- Pakistan has more than 29 boards, each with its own system, making transferring students between different systems difficult.
- There are about 273 curriculums in Pakistan, highlighting a fragmented education system.
Call for Global Standardization of Curriculum
- The narrator advocates for a focus on basic education and suggests that children from different countries should have the same educational standards.
- Proposes that roots should go to Educators and Government should be responsible for Government schools.
School Fees and Online Education
- The school fees for nieces amount to 4-5 lakh rupees. Donations have also been made for their admission.
- Fees range from Rs. 20-20,000.
- The narrator mentions the burden of expensive school fees in Pakistan and the challenges faced during online classes conducted on Zoom.
Comprehensive Curriculum Book for 3-6 Year Olds
- Designed for children between 3-6 years old, this book aims to be a comprehensive and affordable solution that can be completed within a month.
- The book is colorful, containing 200 pages and 7 sections: Urdu, Riyazi (Math), Science, Geography, Islam, Ethics, and English.
- The book also contains assignments and quizzes to help set learning objectives and goals for the child.
- The team plans to publish this book quarterly and is open to feedback and guidance.
- Research and comparison have been done on curriculums from various countries, with an investment of 4 lakhs for 273 curriculums.
Project to Provide Complete Curriculum in 200 Hours
- This ambitious project aims to teach students from kindergarten to intermediate level in a condensed 200 hours.
- The curriculum is written in a book for easy reference and aims to prepare students to pass exams in subjects including science.
- It is designed to maximize one-to-one interaction between teachers and students.
Availability and Outreach
- The book can be ordered from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and is available on the Guftagobi website and app.
- Zeeshan Usmani, likely a key figure in this initiative, requests prayers from the readers.
Additional Challenges
- The narrator also mentions the heavy bags carried by parents or drivers as a significant burden, pointing to a curriculum currently focused heavily on books, copies, and workbooks for KG class.
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