David Daleiden Testifies Against Pitt's Fetal Experimentation | PA House of Representatives

2 months ago

David Daleiden, President of the Center for Medical Progress, testified on May 4th, 2020 about unethical and potentially illegal fetal experimentation practices at the University of Pittsburgh.

MR. DALEIDEN: "Madam Chair, Ranking Member Frankel, distinguished Committee Members, thank you for the opportunity to testify before you this morning.

I'm David Daleiden, and I'm the head of the Center for Medical Progress, which is a citizen journalism organization that monitors and reports on bioethical issues that impact human dignity.
We're especially concerned about the exploitation of the vulnerable and government-sponsored experiments on human fetuses and human infants and their parents who are vulnerable to abortion. Under my leadership, CMP conducted a multi-year undercover video investigation of the illegal trafficking of aborted fetuses and sale of their body parts, and we began releasing the results of that in 2015.
Our reporting shut down two companies that admitted illegally selling body parts from abortions at Planned Parenthood in southern California, and the local district attorney thanked us for prompting that successful case.

It's been 10 years now since the horrific crimes of Dr. Kermit Gosnell were revealed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where Dr. Gosnell was delivering late-term fetuses alive and killing them by snipping their necks with surgical scissors. Dr. Gosnell sometimes kept the babies' feet as souvenirs.
The horrors of the Kermit Gosnell case were able to take place and continue for so long because they were enabled by Commonwealth officials who preferred secrecy to public accountability in Pennsylvania's abortion industry.

Sadly, as we've heard through some of the testimony already this morning, it's a matter of public record that there are horrific abuses of aborted infants taking place on the other side of Pennsylvania through the extensive fetal experimentation programs at the taxpayer-funded University of Pittsburgh. There were a lot of obfuscations and misrepresentations from the Pitt testimony earlier today, which I think is something you would expect when they send a new guy who's only been there for five months to talk about research that he's not actually involved in, so I'm going to try to address some of those and correct the record a little bit.

And so in a recent study, as we've heard, Pitt scientists describe scalping five-month-old aborted babies and grafting their scalps onto the backs of lab rats to keep them growing -- yes, lab rats. If you actually look at the published paper on the Nature scientific reports website, they use both rats and mice in the study. In the study, you can see the pictures of little baby scalps growing tiny baby hairs on the backs of lab rats and lab mice. Each one of those scalps growing baby hair on a rat represents a little Pennsylvania baby who would have grown those little hairs on their head if they had not been killed by abortion for experiments with rodents.

Starting in 2016, Pitt received a $1.4 million grant from the NIH to become the distribution hub for aborted fetal kidneys and bladders and other organs in the NIH's GenitoUrinary Development mapping Atlas Program. Pitt's grant application for this grant from the NIH states that the university has a unique access to a large number of high-quality aborted fetuses and can, "ramp up delivery" of aborted fetal body parts across the country.
And two years ago, I published an op-ed exposing the live fetal liver harvesting of Pitt's Dr. Jorg Gerlach, a stem cell scientist in Pitt's McGowan Regenerative Medicine Institute. Dr. Gerlach's protocol calls for aborting five-month-old fetuses alive via labor induction in order to deliver the baby whole, then wash the baby, place the baby on a surgical tray, and cut the baby open to harvest his or her liver as fresh and clean as possible. This is not just for liver cultures. This is for liver transplants

Dr. Gerlach's team boasts in their published work that this way they can harvest an unprecedentedly massive number of stem cells from the fetal liver for use in experimental transplants into adults. Dr. Gerlach's protocol describes this liver harvesting as a "in vivo procedure," meaning in the living body and requires the harvesting to take place immediately after the baby's umbilical cord has been cut.
Pitt has tried to say that this is over, that it was only going on in Italy, not in the United States. There's serious reasons to doubt the veracity of those statements from the University of Pittsburgh and reasons to be very concerned that it's still going on in the United States.
Dr. Gerlach and his team published a study as recently as 2019, where they described obtaining whole livers in Pittsburgh from Pittsburgh abortion providers, and they described obtaining that same unprecedentedly large number of stem cells, about 2 billion liver cells per individual fetal liver..." #PPSellsBabyParts

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