240319 Adam Schiff Lied- by Lauren Boebert - Marjorie Taylor Greene in Censure Resolution.mp4

2 months ago

Mar 19, 2024 .............................. 10:10

The House of Representatives were unified as Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Harriet Hageman joined forces with their colleagues to pass a resolution of censure against Representative Adam Schiff, a Democrat from California. This extraordinary move not only punished one of their own but also ignited a fierce exchange of rhetoric from both sides of the political spectrum. With a vote of 213-209, the resolution garnered support from the Republican party while facing opposition from the Democrats, with six Republican lawmakers opting to remain neutral by voting "present."

The censure resolution was centered around Schiff's past remarks during investigations into former President Donald Trump and the alleged connections between his campaign and Russia's interference in the 2016 election, as revealed by special counsel Robert Mueller. As a former chair of the intelligence committee, Schiff found himself in the crosshairs for what the resolution deemed as misleading the American public and exhibiting conduct unbecoming of a member of the House of Representatives.

During the deliberations, Representatives Boebert, Taylor Greene, and Hageman delivered impassioned speeches that brimmed with criticism, repeatedly referring to Schiff as a "liar." Their words echoed the sentiment shared by many within their party, reflecting the deep-seated divisions and animosity prevalent in today's political climate.

This unprecedented censure resolution not only showcases the intense polarization within Congress but also serves as a reminder of the enduring impact that past actions and statements can have on the reputations and standing of elected officials. As the political landscape continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how this censure will shape the future dynamics and discourse within the House of Representatives.

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