My Concerns With Trans Kids, Pronouns, Child Indoctrination

2 months ago

Yes, I find the thumbnail quite comedic. It took me about 3 minutes to make.


Advice for Those Who Disagree:

Be mindful of your psychological defence mechanisms to ideologies and perspectives you may not resonate with. In other terms, please view and stipulate your critically thought-out speculations with an open mind. Although I must admit, generally speaking, I have the assumption that those who disagree tend to lack the capability to read mindfully or consider the actual meat of my arguments and perceptions as I have expressed them below. My best advice to you would be to set aside any emotionally-led or personified projections and rationalise your beliefs with quantitative facts. Definition of Projecting: "I am very speculative of you, and am unwilling to admit to my dark motivations, and so I assume that you are characterised by all of the dark motivations that I won't admit to in myself."


My Personal Stance Clarified:

Pronouns and Freedom of Speech:
There are 2 genders; male and female, with this assumption, the only valid pronouns are as follows: he/him and she/her. It is in no way transphobic to make such a claim, as even transgender individuals and activists such as Theryn Meyer agree with. It goes against basic rudimentary biology and that’s that. Additionally, freedom of speech when utilised to vocalise on a person’s identity, and the mandatory or inferred counselling and compulsion to do so by radical leftist ideologs, is not to be conflated with hate speech. Informally, I refuse to submit to made-up words created by radical leftist ideology. Period.

Additionally, I find it incredibly non-archetypical how childing and noisy university students are when they leave their rationality in a fit of pure denial and discontent to have meaningful discussion with those willing to do so. This is evident when Jordan Peterson platforms himself in Canadian universities; university students who, desirably, would be at the forefront of innovation and freedom, instead resort to hitting pans and spoons together while virtue signalling with speaker phones with random buzz-words even as far as to say “No freedom of speech for Peterson.” Such indifference and unworthiness of companionship and instruction depicts to me how just anyone can get into university nowadays; completely void of critical thinking and the drive for the betterment of self and society through open discussion.

Adult Transgenderism:
If you are of legal consenting age, simplistically defined as an objective adult, please know you have my full support in transitioning. It is within your freedom of expression and complete right to do with your own body what you choose to do because you are qualified for consent and have had enough life experience to make life-changing decisions with reasonable suspicion that things can improve with this operation. I truly am in support of you. However, the transgenderist domain is still very fresh and not enough information exists to defy the common perception that the backstory of those who indulge themselves in this ideology and way of life are either mentally ill (gender dysphoria) or have a biological / genetic predisposition to transgenderism; similar to a chemical imbalance causing biologically / genetically induced depression.

I want to make this clear, I am close friends with several homosexuals and trans-sexuals who also happen to agree with my stance wholeheartedly, including one of my progressive de-transitioned idols in adult transgender rights, Theryn Meyer. So moving forward, I am in no way shape or form homophobic by any means and I find it arbitrary that the two ideologies have been clumped together into a single frame of legitimate lifestyle when executed properly by consenting adults. It is immature to write an individual off as a despicable non-ally for disagreeing with some parts of one faction while being in full support of others. And so, speaking on behalf of my LGBT allies, I find it peculiar that they themselves are "tired" of being grouped alongside the child-endangering faction within transgenderist ideology.

Child Transgenderism:
Children MUST make adult decisions when they become adults. Moving forward with this logical presupposition, any and all indoctrinatory attempts of habituating behaviours and expressions with young children is evil. “There is no circumstance in which it’s okay to manipulate, to lie, to mutilate, or sterilise a perfectly healthy child.” - Chloe Cole who lost her ability to breastfeed her future children at the age 15, having been victimised by medical treatment and manipulation herself, and now speaking out about it like a valiant martyr. Additionally, to habituate a non-consenting child against the will of non-consenting parents to “inclusivity” training, with programs such as SOGI123 for example, are also evil. I find it perfectly reasonable to compare this program to Hitler youth in the sense that both habituate children with ideology that they believe to be true and morally correct. Hitler Youth conscripted all German youths into the Hitler Youth—even if the parents objected and SOGI123 virtue signals its way around parental consent for “inclusivity,” and so, easily comparable when only considering the program structures.


The Psychology Behind My Stance and Reason for This Creative Production:

I am simply resentful of those who advocate and believe that non-adults who are not of legal consenting age in performing any action that puts their own livelihood and holistic wellbeing, such as driving, drinking, voting, etc., at risk. Such degenerate individuals believe that children should have complete control to partake in irreversible life-changing medical treatment at a time when they have not yet lived enough life to know who they even are yet. I believe that these people are truly evil.

Because of this resentment, I'm freeing myself by speaking out because I'd rather not allow that resentment to accumulate to a desire for revenge. By revenge, I like to reference my multi-annual vocational experience with the young and adolescent, speaking on their behalf for the betterment of their future that they are in no place to consenting to partake in irreversible, life-changing, medical treatment that preys on the truly dispositioned, alienated and curious youth under the disguise of "affirmatory action." Let the children grow up, and let them make adult decision when they become adults.

I wholeheartedly believe that puberty is the gateway to adulthood and that to intercept that natural process is truly evil. As a result of this, each time I recollect that such ideology exists and is in full force here in the West, I am struck with a gruelling, gut-wrenching feeling deep in my soul. As an empathetic person, I can only imagine the despair of those who have been manipulated and exploited by preying interceptions of a deconstructionist agenda into projecting delusions of improvement through unconsented, horrifyingly blatant disfigurations of a given juvenile, commonly resulting in lifelong regret.

By extension, it is only common sense that for most people to undertake major change in their personality, physicality, and mindset, they have to partake in the long-term adoption of a new identity that is endlessly on the hunt for self-improvement, lasting an entire lifetime, given that the person becomes a life-long student. However, with this idealistic, short-term solution, the person partakes in nothing short of character self-deletion. The short-term solution comes with long-term consequences. The amount of medication I have seen transgender youth intake is truly eye-opening! It is as much, if not more than what one can assume that a chronically ill senior who has lived a full life would intake. Additionally, in their later years, they suffer from chronic physical pain, and mental disclarity that haunts their self-perception and perceptions of the world around them, leading to further surgeries to fit their ideal persona! At what point does a transgender individual come off the hamster wheel of self-dissatisfaction and short-term medication for long-term suffering?

For the reasons given in this production, and the thoughtful exposition above, I truly do believe that I am doing my part in protecting children at this time. If you disagree or have other perspectives that make logical sense and without the endless child play involved in getting emotional and virtue signalling, please rationalise a non-deflective, non-denialistic argument in a compendious manner.


Subscribe for self improvement affirmations and lessons from a fellow young man who changed his life around.

Spreading stories and explaining how I have changed the direction of my life around from childhood trauma, depression, anxiety and minor crime to getting on the self improvement journey, and tackling life's everyday challenges to become a formidable opponent in all realms of endeavor.

You can see the beginning of my self-improvement journey on my Instagram, including my fitness transformation which reshaped my body, reframed my mind, and reshaped my face.


00:07 | Legal Clearance
00:08 | Transgender Youth
02:22 | Pronoun Madness
03:36 | Child Indoctrination
06:48 | Subjective Legality
07:30 | Religious Perspectives
08:59 | Salvaging My Career
11:35 | Credibility & Experience


transgenderkids, kids, transyouth, youth, transgender, trans, detransition, detransitioning, trans bill, trans rights, trans laws, gender affirming care, gender identity, lgbtq, lgbtq community, transgenderism, pronoun, pronouns, pronoun madness, drag queen, drag queen story hour, drag queens storytime, drag queen reading, SOGI123, SOGI, SOGI program, what is a woman, gender, gender dysphoria, common sense, non binary, transitioning, gender studies, transition, trans woman, trans man, children cant consent, trans gender, debate, discussion, canadian law, chloe cole, jordan peterson

#transgenderkids #transgender #pronouns #biology #childrencantconsent #dragqueenstoryhour

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