Siamese Cat Enjoys Motorcycle Ride In Astronaut Capsule Backpack

6 years ago

Now, this… This is true love.

We’ve seen lots of people care for their pets, but this level of dedication is almost unsurpassable. Sure, giving material goods instead of love and affection isn’t the way to go, but this footage is an exception.

If you are a fan of traveling, you know that it’s quite a heady feeling to see everything blur right in front of your eyes and to just enjoy the mixture of green nature has concocted. You focus more on the visual and you tune out the dreadful noise of the bustling city. Those road trips are a good way to soothe your busy mind and to recharge your batteries. So, it is absolutely adorable when we see a pet lover share this experience with their furry friends.

This man ordered a 'Bubble Backpack' and tested it out by taking his Siamese cat named Oreo on a motorcycle ride. It's safe and allows Oreo to look to the front and sides. Seriously, how cool is that?! Oreo can be seen peeking through the plastic half-sphere and enjoying the view. He is definitely a very pampered kitty and we just love how attentive his owner is. You don’t see a love so genuine every day. What do you think? Do you have any pets you would like to travel with like this? No more stuffy cages, they deserve this level of comfort and more!

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